Taiwan to allow small brothels in law change

Thu Oct 14, 2:01 pm ET

TAIPEI (Reuters) Taiwan's government plans to allow sex workers to set up

small businesses in the latest change to laws that had once forced the huge

industry underground, the interior ministry said.

In a statement on its website, the ministry said it would consider brothels of

three to five staff away from areas frequented by children. It will put plans

to a cabinet committee by the end of the year.

The ministry ruled out earlier proposals to set up red-light districts or allow

larger businesses due to concerns among members of its committee set up to

study the issue that such measures would turn the sex trade into a regular


Prostitution was legal only in Taiwan's capital, Taipei, until 1997 when the

city authorities made it a criminal offence to be a prostitute though not to

patronize one.

The government began debating new laws two years ago after pressure from

prostitute groups over the unfairness of the law. In 2009 it stopped punishing

sex workers.

Bars and night clubs in older parts of Taipei still teem with sex workers.

Estimates from activists put the number of people involved in sex-related jobs

in Taiwan at 600,000.

(Reporting by Jonathan Standing and Ralph Jennings)