Hologram messaging coming of age

4 November 2010 Last updated at 08:07 GMT

By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News


Graphic of system (BBC)

series of cameras arranged in an arc or circle

conceivably be sent anywhere in the world

the laser that writes the images on to the screen

needed to illuminate the changing holograms

It has long been a staple of science fiction films - the idea that you could

send a moving 3D representation of someone to any location, even on another


Start Quote

Imagine a very complicated surgical procedure - then with this system surgeons

around the world could participate

End Quote Nasser Peyghambarian University of Arizona

Now, US researchers claim this fantasy is very close to reality.

A University of Arizona team says it has devised a system that can make a

holographic display appear in another place and update it in near real-time.

The group tells the journal Nature that the development has huge potential.

"We foresee many applications, for example in manufacturing," said Professor

Nasser Peyghambarian from Arizona's College of Optical Sciences.

"Car manufacturers or airplane manufacturers could look at holograms and design

their systems in real time. They could look at 3D models and make changes as

they go.

"Imagine a very complicated surgical procedure - then with this system surgeons

around the world could participate. They could see the whole procedure in

real-time and in 3D, and help out," he told BBC News.

Quick draw

Ever since the Princess Leia character was magically projected in 3D during the

original Star Wars film, people have wondered if such a technology might really

be possible.

The system demonstrated this week is far from the finished product, but it

gives a very strong hint of what might be achievable with further refinements.

At its heart is a new plastic screen material that will record 3D holographic

images time and time again, every two seconds.

A demonstration of the speed printing

In the set up described in Nature, 16 cameras recorded 2D images of objects and

people from multiple angles, and then sent that information to another location

using a computer connection.

At the remote site, a laser was used to "print" the visual information on to

the new photosensitive polymer. The 3D image composed of the 16 perspectives

decays naturally, but the laser can write the next "frame" before it completely


The team previously gave an update on its work in a 2008 Nature paper. Back

then, its 10cm-by-10cm, one-colour screen could only be updated every four


The new 45cm-by-45cm, multi-colour screen is re-written in a hundredth of the


No glasses are needed to see the images, merely some form of illumination.

And unlike "standard 3D" TV or films that produce a simple parallax effect in

which each eye is offered one slightly different perspective on the same

object, the scope of the holographic images is built from the many views of

numerous cameras.

Challenges ahead

Theoretically, say the researchers, it should be possible to project a full

360-degree hologram, one where an individual standing on one side of the screen

sees the front of a printed object while someone standing on the other side of

the screen sees its rear.

So while it is not quite Princess Leia being projected in free space, the

system could conceivably produce a very rounded telepresence.

The team concedes its prototype system has a lot of development ahead of it,

but the researchers believe the first commercial products could be available in

a few years' time.

The polymer will update rapidly

One key advance needed is the ability to re-print the polymer at least 30 times

a second. This would give a much more realistic sense of movement. The screen

itself needs to be made much bigger and additional cameras would have to be

incorporated to provide more detail and at significantly higher resolutions.

And all this would have large processing and bandwidth implications which would

likely limit the system's use to high-end applications - certainly in the early

stages of commercialisation.

"Coming up with improvements to the polymer is going to take some time, and

also coming up with better lasers is going to take some time. In about two to

three years, we should be able to do those aspects," said Professor


"And then transferring that into a product is going to take another three to

four years. But I don't believe there is any physics that would prevent us from

getting there."