What has Playboy ever done for free speech?

It may surprise some, but the founder of Playboy magazine - Hugh Hefner - has

been given two literary awards. The 84-year-old, who has published nude

photographs of women for more than 50 years, was honoured for the articles that

accompany the pictures and his commitment to free speech. Rajesh Mirchandani

went to the famous Playboy Mansion in Beverly Hills to meet him.

There are few houses as famous as their occupants: Buckingham Palace, Neverland

Ranch, the Playboy Mansion.

Steeped in Hennessey as much as in history, this lush corner of Beverly Hills

is infamous for the parties it has hosted, all under the shrewd eye of Hugh

Marston Hefner.

The founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy Magazine says he will never move out

of the mansion while he's alive.

Start Quote

Playboy's brand image is perhaps its most valuable asset these days, rather the

magazine that sparked it all

End Quote

It's clear the building and the empire that funds it are the products of more

than half a century of fighting for what he believes: that pictures of naked

women are not pornographic, not exploitative, and should not be censored.

Of course, many disagree on each of those points. But it is the issue of

freedom of the press that we are here to discuss.

We wait in the dark wood-panelled living room that boasts a church organ

(damaged from a leaky roof), a 20ft cinema screen and projectors (movie nights

are Friday through Monday), a reproduction Picasso (a topless woman, what

else?) and antique bunny figurines. Hugh Hefner enters through velvet curtains,

dressed in black silk pyjamas and a red silk bathrobe. At 84, he still plays

the Lothario, bright-eyed and bed-ready.

'Serious literary writers'

We are here because Mr Hefner or Heff (along with other American icons like

Cher and Jacko, one name suffices), has been honoured by PEN USA, a literary

organisation, with two awards that recognise 50 years of support for

un-championed writers and of fighting censorship.

Playboy magazine

Hugh Hefner and then girlfriend Barbara Benton in 1969

the centrefold

Muslim countries, except Turkey

year that December

I put to him the obvious assumption: that no-one buys Playboy for the writing.

"Oh yes," he insists, "if it was just for the pictures then the most successful

magazines would be hard core pornography. It's the whole package."

At the awards ceremony at a Beverly Hills hotel, which he attended with his

family and two young blonde women in eye-catchingly short skirts, he received a

standing ovation.

Jamie Wolf, vice-president of PEN USA, told me Mr Hefner "published Saul

Bellow, he published Gabriel Garcia Marquez, he published John Updike, he

published an extraordinary range of writers, serious literary writers who you

were not otherwise getting when you went into the grocery store.

"And he was paying them substantial wages. And some of them were blacklisted

writers who other people wouldn't publish.''

Accepting, Mr Hefner spoke not of his career, but of Erwin Arnada, a former

editor of Playboy Indonesia who is currently jailed there for publishing

non-nude pictures.

Past court battles

''I accept this award on behalf of him and all men of good will who believe

democracy is founded on freedom of speech and press," Mr Hefner said.

Playboy Mansion Mr Hefner rents the Playboy mansion from the company

Mr Hefner is also no stranger to fighting for himself.

He has been branded obscene in the past and has fought in court several times.

In 1954 he won a legal battle against the US postal service when Postmaster

General Arthur Summerfield refused to deliver copies of Playboy on the grounds

it was obscene.

Heff told the court: "We don't think Postmaster Summerfield has any business

editing magazines. We think he should stick to delivering the mail." Playboy


A year earlier the first edition featuring nude pictures of Marilyn Monroe

(originally taken not for Playboy but for a calendar) caused a sensation in the

sexually repressed post-war 1950s.

"It gave sex a good name," Mr Hefner tells me, "and incorporated it as a

natural part of a men's' entertainment magazine."

When I ask what he thought he had done for women, he replies defiantly: "I

helped emancipate them."

'We changed the world'

At its height in the 1970s, Playboy magazine was selling seven million copies a

month. Its success spawned Bunny Girls - lots of them; nightclubs; merchandise;

even a corporate jet called Big Bunny.

Continue reading the main story

Start Quote

"The bunny's back! You know how bunnies are, they multiply!

End Quote Hugh Hefner

These days, rival, harder-core publications, the internet and greater sexual

freedoms mean Playboy is less shocking - and less in demand. Its circulation

has fallen to below two million a month - still big but nowhere near its former


"We can never have the same power and impact as in the 60s," Heff says. "It was

a different time and we changed the world."

The company diversified into cable television in 1982, with programming

typically more explicit than the magazine's. But that too has seen a decline in


The company posted a $51m ( 31.8m) loss last year and is poised to lose money

again in 2010. The brand image is perhaps its most valuable asset these days,

rather the magazine that sparked it all.

A report last year that Heff had sold the mansion was inaccurate. In fact he

doesn't even own it but rents it from the company (he owns 70% of the company's

voting stock).

He is trying to buy back control of the magazine.

"What we need is an infusion of capital," he said. "If we accomplish that, the

future is bright."

He tells me the company is about to open a casino in Macau and that the Playboy

clothing brand is big among Chinese men, even though the magazine is not sold


"The bunny's back!" he laughs. "You know how bunnies are, they multiply!"