Are libraries finished? Five arguments for and against

By Peter Jackson BBC News

With more than 400 public libraries under threat of closure, the campaign to

save them is gathering pace. But in an age of downloads, cheap books and easy

online shopping, can this great British institution survive?

Some of the UK's best-selling authors have joined the fight against "cultural

vandalism" by backing a national day of protest read-ins against library

closures on Saturday.

But no matter how eloquently Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy or author Colin

Dexter extol their virtues, the fact is library visitor numbers - like their

budgets - are falling.

Campaigners say they are irreplaceable doors to learning more relevant now than

ever before, but for others the speed and breadth of the web has rendered them

obsolete dinosaurs.

So what can the internet provide that a library can't, and when is there simply

no online substitute for a trip to your local library? Here are five examples

on either side:

Only at a library

1. Specialist research As tempting as it is to view the web as a panacea for

gathering information, there are gaps only library documents, books and maps

can fill.

Local and family historians as well as academic and historical researchers are

among those who still rely heavily on paper and print.

Historian and author Andrew Dalby, 63, who edits pages for online encyclopaedia

Wikipedia from his home in France, says he still needs regularly visits to good

libraries in England.

"It's amazing what you can find online and also amazing what nobody managed to

produce yet," he says.

New chapter for UK libraries

Sources: Chartered Institute of Public Financing & Public Libraries News

"Those libraries that have managed to retain older collections need to go on

retaining them... we need that evidence of ingenuity, originality and

inspiration that we can lose if we only look at things produced in the last few


2. Environment to learn Sometimes there's no substitute for human contact. Mr

Dalby says just being in a place surrounded by books and information with help

at hand to access them is invaluable.

Whilst some will crave the refuge of silence libraries offer, others such as

the vulnerable and isolated have a place to interact, learn and meet people.

Librarian and campaigner Lauren Smith, 23, says some lonely people would be

even more isolated by being left on their own in a room trying to use the


3. Expert staff Anyone who's spent five minutes trawling the thousands of

medical and health websites will know the perils of misinformation.

Librarians have specialist knowledge and are trained to find reliable

information and evaluate it - a skill as relevant in the digital age as it has

always been.

Mr Dalby says simple Google searches are hit and miss, throwing up websites

edited to varying degrees of academic rigour and professionalism. Librarians

can help navigate through the "labyrinth" of information and around these

pitfalls, he says.

4. Free internet access With 30% of the population still without a home

internet connection, libraries are for many their first and last online


Books Libraries allow dialogue to flourish and enrich local democracy,

supporters say

Although some charge after a certain period, all libraries should offer at

least some free online access.

Ms Smith says libraries reduce the "digital divide" by offering free access to

those who can't afford a pc or monthly subscriptions.

5. Engage in local democracy Community forums in libraries are the perfect

place to meet and engage in local politics because they're neutral,

non-judgemental spaces, Ms Smith says.

"The problem with the internet is people flock together and have similar views,

there's no real dialogue between people who have different views," she says.

"Libraries do so much more than just give information, there are community

discussion groups... and reading groups where you can talk about green

initiatives or economic issues."

Only online

1. Searchability The speed of research and interactivity of the internet make

it an altogether richer experience than traditional libraries.

Mr Dalby says: "You can get lost in the world of information on the internet

but we gain and lose.

"We tend not to read things all the way through anymore. You find a link,

follow it and never go back to what you were originally reading, which is

perhaps bad for the attention span.

"On the other hand, it's serendipity. It's wonderful that you can leap on from

one source of information to another, from one question to another series of

questions, it is a wonderful resource."

Kindle E-readers like the Kindle take the weight off book lovers

2. Digital books Forget catching a bus to the library to carry home a limited

number, yet heavy stack nonetheless, of books.

For those who can afford a portable reader like a Kindle or iPad, the

convenience of accessing books on a beach, up a mountain, or anywhere else for

that matter, can be irresistible.

But with sales of e-books fast catching up paperbacks, the full impact on

traditional publishers has yet to be revealed.

3. Comfort in numbers OK, forums and social networks can be an impersonal way

to interact, but sometimes magic happens. Mr Dalby explains: "Sometimes the

right answer just comes when people ask each other questions on forums.

"One adds one bit of information, another something else, and that information

could be questioned by a third or fourth person.

"You create something together like bees in a hive, like bees building a


4. Brings niches together If you had a niche interest in something, it wasn't

always easy to find someone with the same niche interest, now it really is,

says Mr Belam.

"If you were, say, a Leeds United fan in Croydon, you used to have to join a

club or put leaflets in your local library, then hope you find people in


"Community activity used to revolve around notice boards in town halls and

libraries, now your notice board is global."

5. Self-publishing Mr Belam says the traditional barriers to publishing have

been shifted by the advent of do-it-yourself e-books on the internet.

Whereas information in libraries has been limited to the books on its shelves -

the information which managed to get published, sites like Blurb allow you to

print on demand, he says.

Various sites allow you to download software which will format your


"You used to only be able to publish news by owning the printed presses, and

you needed a publisher to agree to publish your book, now you can publish books

on demand," he says.

11. katy

4th February 2011 - 19:45

Libraries are busier than ever. In addition to books, they provide access to

the internet, reference databases (very expensive) and even ebooks (more

expensive than a book for a library and only one patron at a time can check

them out). Not all can afford or have the knowledge to use the latest

technology. Books are much less fragile and they don't require electricity.


4th February 2011 - 19:23

As a student I and many of my peers would be utterly lost without the library.

It is a haven of peace that allows us to work quietly and efficiently with all

the information of the internet AND that of maps, journals, books and slides at

hand. It is so much easier to write an essay when all the information is on the

table in the form of open books, rather than flicking between internet pages.

4. rsplenum

4th February 2011 - 18:48

If the searches on the internet became more accurate and tablets became cheap,

then we really don't need libraries. One can carry thousands of e-books, that

would be such a convenience and one doesn't has to care about the wear-n-tear

of the e-book. Libraries should be converted to museums and should be preserved

for the future generation. We should promote digital books and reduce paper


2. Agankan

4th February 2011 - 18:13

There are sound arguments for both sides but there is no doubt the power of the

Internet will win - newspapers are showing the way because they have to change

if they want to survive.

Its time to think of a new model for libraries - let Amazon et al provide

library access electronically - pensioners and kids get free access and cheap

Kindles or readers. Wanna socialise then join a 'people' club!