Has feminism blocked social mobility for men?

Feminism provided an obstacle to social mobility for working-class men, Cabinet

minister David Willetts has controversially argued. But is he right?

They were meant to welcome a new era of fairness and opportunity for all.

Instead, a minister's remarks have prompted debate over the effect of women's

entry into higher education and the professions.

In a briefing to journalists ahead of the government's social mobility

strategy, David Willetts, the universities minister, appeared to suggest that

feminism had made it harder for working-class men to get ahead in life.

Asked what was to blame for a lack of social mobility, the Daily Telegraph

quoted him saying: "The feminist revolution in its first-round effects was

probably the key factor.

"Feminism trumped egalitarianism. It is not that I am against feminism, it's

just that is probably the single biggest factor."

His remarks sparked a wave of criticism, and Mr Willetts made it clear that he

supported the move of women into the workplace and higher education. But to

some the notion that more jobs for females equals fewer opportunities for males

will be a convincing one.

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An economist's view


Alan Manning, professor of economics, LSE

"The expansion of university education was faster among women - they went from

being a minority of students to a majority.

"But it's not true that if one group takes something, there's automatically

less for the other.

"The deterioration in employment opportunities among young men was primarily

the consequence of the decline in manufacturing.

"It's not the case that all these apprenticeships were suddenly taken by lots

of young women. It's that the manufacturing jobs just weren't there anymore."

Certainly, there is no question that the number of female workers in the UK has

increased significantly over the past four decades.

Labour Force Survey estimates suggest that the employment rate for women aged

16 to 59 rose from 56% in 1971 to 73% in 2004.

Whereas in 1971 there were nine million women over the age of 16 in work, by

2004 that figure stood at 13 million.

At the same time, social mobility for men appears to have fallen back over the

same period.

According to the government's own social mobility strategy, the proportion of

males born in 1958, with parents who were in the bottom fifth of earners,

moving upwards was 70%. For those born in 1970, the figure was 62%.

In 2008-09, 51% of young women entered higher education, according to figures

released earlier this year by the Department for Business, Innovation and

Skills, compared with 40% of young men.

It was the first time more than half of women went on to higher education - 20

years previously, only about one in five young women went into higher education

and a decade prior to that it was about one in 10.

It is figures like these that may have led Mr Willetts to conclude that greater

opportunities for women have resulted in fewer for men.

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Mind the gap

1997, showed UK men took home 10% more pay than their female counterparts

workforce was made up of 12.7 million men and 12.3 million women.

men worked full-time, but only 58% of women worked full-time

Rod Liddle, the son of a train driver who has risen to become a prominent

journalist, says he does not like the manner in which the minister made his

point. And Liddle insists the move of women into the workplace was just and


But he says such statistics demonstrate that the arrival of middle-class women

in large numbers into the universities and professions has restricted the

prospects for men with working-class backgrounds.

"The move of women into the workplace is absolutely right - it should be

guaranteed," he says.

"But what Willetts said in down-the-line, factual terms is right. It annoys me

when the left refuse to accept that it's harder for men or that the process has

had an effect on the family. That doesn't mean it was wrong."

Of course, the number of job opportunities on offer and the nature of the

labour market did not stand still as women began to make up a greater

proportion of the labour force.

As a result, many academics regard such an interpretation of the data as


Factory Men used to achieve social mobility by rising through the factory ranks

Karen Mumford, professor of economics at the University of York, says it is

"woolly-minded" to assume that the number of job opportunities has remained


In the days before feminism, she says, those working-class men who achieved

upward social mobility tended to do so by moving through the ranks at their


But, Prof Mumford adds, the decline in manufacturing - which traditionally was

a source of better-paid jobs for a predominantly male workforce - has meant

that these opportunities are no longer available.

The number of jobs in manufacturing fell to 2.5 million in 2010, according to

figures from business organisation, the Confederation of British Industry

(CBI). This is equal to just 9% of the total workforce. In 1978 over seven

million people were employed in the sector, equal to 28.5% of the workforce.

She points out, additionally, that the rise in the proportion of women

attending higher education mirrored a huge increase in the number of places

available for both genders. Government figures show an all-time high of 45% of

young people going to university in 2008-09 compared with only about one in 20

in the early 1960s.

As a result, Prof Mumford says, there was never a pre-feminist golden age in

which large numbers of working-class men attended universities.

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A feminist for Willetts

Janice Turner, Times columnist

"I don't like to defend government ministers.

"But I don't think David Willetts was saying feminism is wrong or evil.

"It's not about social mobility per se. What's happened is that middle-class

parents aren't just getting their sons into university, they're now getting

their daughters in as well.

"That's just a fact. We need to have a clearer debate about these things. The

issue needs to be unpicked."

"It was very rare then and it's very rare now," she says. "They are not

competing. The problem isn't feminism.

"What's happened is that those middle-income working class jobs with which a

man used to be able to keep a family have disappeared, while the number of

lower-skill service sector jobs, which women have always tended to do, has


She acknowledges that the number of better-paid "problem-solving" occupations

at the top of the income scale which require a university education have

increased, but that this has benefited male and female workers alike.

Moreover, feminists would point to the fact that men in the UK took home 10%

more pay than their female colleagues in 2010, according to the Office for

National Statistics.

Kate Saunders, feminist writer and novelist, says the idea that greater female

participation in the workforce is to blame for a decline in male social

mobility ignores the large numbers of women working in badly paid service

sector jobs that many men don't want.

"So many things have changed, not just the number of women in the workplace,"

she says.

"Years ago many working-class men used to work in the factory at the bottom of

their street, it just doesn't happen like that anymore and that's not the fault

of women. They aren't to blame for things like the decline of the manufacturing

industry in this country."

But as long as there is a debate over social mobility, there will also be

debate about the repercussions of feminism.