Is the British roundabout conquering the US?

A roundabout revolution is slowly sweeping the US. The land of the car, where

the stop sign and traffic light have ruled for decades, has started to embrace

the free-flowing British circular.

A few moments after entering Carmel, it's clear why the city has been described

as the Milton Keynes of the US.

As the sat-nav loudly and regularly points out, there's often a roundabout up


But unlike in the English town famous for them, driving into this pretty city

on the outskirts of Indianapolis also involves passing several more under


Start Quote

Mayor Jim Brainard

We are saving thousands of gallons of fuel per roundabout per year

Mayor of Carmel, Jim Brainard

The city is at the forefront of a dizzying expansion, across several American

states, of the circular traffic intersection redesigned in 1960s Britain and

then exported globally. About 3,000 have been built in the US in the last 20


The Mayor of Carmel, Jim Brainard, has become America's evangelist-in-chief on

the matter, demolishing 78 sets of traffic lights and replacing them with those

round islands so familiar to drivers in the UK. Four more will be finished in

the coming months.

"We have more than any other city in the US," he says, standing proudly in

front of one. "It's a trend now in the United States. There are more and more

roundabouts being built every day because of the expense saved and more

importantly the safety."

He quotes a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety which suggests

there is on average a 40% decrease in all accidents and a 90% drop in fatal

ones when a traffic intersection is replaced by a roundabout.

The long-term financial saving is about 150,000, he says, due to reduced

maintenance costs, and there are also fuel savings.

"Not just the cars that aren't idling at traffic lights, but starting from a

dead stop takes up more fuel also, so we are saving thousands of gallons of

fuel per roundabout per year," says the Republican mayor.

"And aesthetically, we think they're much nicer. If one is looking out their

living room window, would you prefer to see a blinking traffic light all night

or a beautifully landscaped roundabout with a fountain and flowers?"

Roundabouts v Rotaries

A British roundabout and the rotary at the Arc de Triomphe

The modern roundabout gives way on entry and priority to cars already on it

They are usually smaller than rotaries

And vehicles usually travel at lower speeds

Rotaries may have traffic lights and stop signs

Marble Arch in London and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris are found on rotary


The mayor's unlikely passion began while studying in the UK, and his strong

Anglophile credentials are in evidence from a glance around his office - a book

by Prince Charles entitled Vision of Britain lies on the coffee table.

"I remembered those roundabouts in England and it raised the question in my

mind - why don't we do this? I remembered they worked better than traffic

lights so I started to do a bit of research and convinced my traffic engineers

to try some."

There was scepticism at first, he says, but public education is critical and

there was a newsletter and video campaign to tell people about the safety and

environmental advantages.

Before every roundabout, there are squiggly lines on the road and on roadside

signs to warn drivers which lane they need to be in.

The mayor's ambition is to replace the city's remaining 43 traffic lights too,

apart from one. The traffic lights on the corner of Main Street and Range Line

Street will survive - not because a plaque at the spot claims the country's

first automatic traffic signals were installed here in 1923, but the street's

just too narrow to fit a roundabout.

Leading roundabout states











The ornate fountain roundabouts of Carmel are a far cry from the large, one-way

rotary systems conceived in the US and in Europe in the early 20th Century but

which largely fell out of favour due to congestion problems.

Then forward-thinking British traffic engineers like Frank Blackmore tinkered

with the designs and the UK established the modern roundabout by introducing a

mandatory "Give way" rule for cars entering.

The US still has the older versions, called rotaries or circles, notably in New

Jersey and Washington DC. But they remain quite unpopular, a confusing sprawl

of signals, stop signs and concentric lanes.

The simpler British version is thought to have first arrived in the US in 1990,

in Nevada, and it is these which are now proliferating. California has built

nearly 200 in the last two or three years.

Countries with British-style roundabouts (selected)

France (has about 30,000, the most in the world)


New Zealand






The problems Americans have navigating them was satirised in the film European

Vacation starring Chevy Chase, who takes his family sightseeing in London but

gets stuck until nightfall on a roundabout next to Big Ben.

There is some truth in that caricature. Some drivers in Carmel have been known

to wait for the whole roundabout to clear before entering, says driving

instructor Mike Ward, but learners soon get used to them.

Police in the city say there are accidents on them, often caused by confusion

or unfamiliarity, but they are much fewer and less serious than at a traffic


The people of Carmel seem happy living in the country's unofficial roundabout

capital. The mayor, who has made roundabouts a central plank of his manifesto,

is on the verge of earning his fifth term in office.

Roundabout in Carmel Roundabouts in Carmel have to look good

"I think they're awesome," says Blair Clark, who has lived in the area for 26

years. "They keep the traffic flowing, you don't have to stop, you save gas and

there are less accidents."

Another driver, filling up his gas tank, says: "We're proud of our city and

proud of our roundabouts."

But beyond Carmel, there has been greater resistance to them. One newspaper

columnist in Atlanta says this undesirable European import will lead to higher

taxes and accidents.

And Dan Neil, a motoring journalist at the Wall Street Journal who personally

welcomes their arrival, thinks there is something deep in the American psyche

which is fundamentally opposed to them.

"This is a culture predicated on freedom and individualism, where spontaneous

co-operation is difficult and regimentation is resisted.

A UK view of US roundabouts

well landscaped

lower speeds

better for cyclists and pedestrians

Clive Sawers, British traffic engineer who has advised US cities on roundabouts

"You see it in the way Americans get in line, or as the Brits say, queue. We

don't do that very well.

"Behind the wheel, we're less likely to abide by an orderly pattern of merging

that, though faster for the group, may require an individual to slow down or,

God forbid, yield."

Americans tend to be orthogonal in their thinking and behaviour, he says.

"We like right angles, yes and no answers, Manichean explanations. Roundabouts

require more subtlety than we're used to."

Un-American or not, it's only a matter of time before they are covering every

US state, says Gene Russell, a leading civil engineering professor at Kansas

State University.

So while the Americans gave the British fast food, rock and roll and baby

showers, in return they get free-flowing, circular traffic intersections. A

fair cultural exchange?