Incentives for All Generations

Incentives play an important role in motivating, rewarding, and energizing

employees. "One size fits all" plans do not suit today's multigenerational

workplace, which may span more than 50 years.

Flexible work arrangements and other initiatives aimed at enhancing quality of

life have universal appeal, but the definition of "quality of life" varies by


Mature Workers

Born between 1930 and 1945, mature workers generally have had predictable

career paths, worked hard for one or two companies, and moved up the ladder.

They are characterized by loyalty to employers and are considered to be

risk-averse and conformist. Make sure to value such employees for what they

know, not just what they do.

Several surveys by the American Association of Retired Persons have shown that

workers in this category will work past retirement age if offered flexible

schedules, part-time hours, and temporary employment.

Baby Boomers

Born between 1946 and 1963, this segment (the "me" generation) represents a

majority of middle and upper management in most organizations. They grew up at

a time of economic prosperity, and they like to win, be in charge, and make an

impact. Boomers tend to focus on themselves. Employers must work hard to

provide incentives of value.

Retirement planning. Many boomers experience anxiety over their financial

future. Companies can offer help with retirement planning, pension benefits,

and realistic financial planning.

Flexible retirement options. Many also want alternative options to traditional

retirement. According to a survey by the National Institute on Aging, nearly

three-quarters of boomer workers would prefer gradual retirement. They crave

time for leisure activities and family, and look for part-time, job sharing,

flextime, or other flexible opportunities.

Training. Keeping up-to-speed, especially in the area of technology, is a

notable challenge for many boomer workers. Effective training can minimize

employee burnout, job obsolescence, and career plateauing.

Sabbaticals. Increasingly, boomers are taking breaks midcareer. Sabbaticals can

be an effective means of energizing these workers.

Generation X

Born between 1964 and 1981, Generation Xers are fiercely independent,

self-directed, resourceful, and skeptical of authority and institutions in

general. Although they may be committed, blind company loyalty is anathema to

this group. They seek an exciting and challenging environment.

Flexible work arrangements. They grew up without much supervision. Employers

must offer autonomy, flextime, job sharing, telecommuting, sabbaticals, and so


Skill development. This generation wants to learn new skills, both to keep the

job exciting and to increase their marketability. If an assignment increases

their value on the job market, they are very motivated. Ongoing training,

especially in technological skills, is often a requirement for employment.

Feedback, feedback, feedback. Generation Xers' appetite for feedback is

insatiable. Although they crave autonomy, they want ready access to and

abundant time with managers.

Tangible rewards. Employers will be most successful providing immediate,

concrete, tangible rewards, such as money, dinner certificates, and tickets to

cultural events.

Let's have fun. This group wants the balance they saw missing from their

parents' lives. Their personal lives are more important than their careers.

Incentives and benefits that demonstrate an organization's support of a balance

are attractive to them.

Generation Y

Some early comparisons of this generation, born after 1982, have noted

similarities with Generation X. Companies hoping to capture the best of this

new workforce will be wise to listen to the needs of the new workers.

The Challenge

To retain valuable employees and encourage top performance, companies must

offer incentive programs and compensation plans tailored to the needs of
