Tax policy - Sweet land of subsidy

The downturn has forced states to be savvier and more careful about providing

tax incentives to business

Apr 27th 2013 | ATLANTA |From the print edition

ON NOVEMBER 14th 2012, before an audience of elected officials and assorted

local dignitaries, voestalpine Metal Forming, a division of an Austrian steel

company, broke ground on a manufacturing facility in Bartow County, around 50

miles (80km) north-west of Atlanta. Voestalpine supplies parts to European

carmakers, and hopes to expand further. Mercedes-Benz has its only American

plant near Tuscaloosa, Alabama, while Volkswagen has one in Chattanooga,

Tennessee, just over the Georgia border. Car-manufacturing factories dot the

south-east, a region of low-tax states without strong unions and offering

relatively cheap land. Voestalpine looked at many sites across the region, and

finally narrowed the contenders down to three states.

Georgia boasts the world s busiest airport, America s fourth-busiest container

port, several interstate highways and a well-respected workforce-training

programme. To sweeten the deal, however, the state s economic development team

gave voestalpine an array of tax credits and incentives: $3.3m in job-creation

credits and $1.4m in port-tax credits over five years, $4m in sales-tax

exemptions on machinery and equipment, $3m in local-tax abatements and a grant

of $275,000 towards site developments in all, over $14m in credits and cost


If that seems steep, consider that Voestalpine will invest $62m in the

facility, which is scheduled to open later this year. Not including the jobs

and the economic activity generated during its construction, it will eventually

employ 220 people directly and could generate hundreds more jobs for its

suppliers and vendors. Those 220 jobs will pay employees an average annual

salary between $30,000 and $40,000 right around the Bartow County average of

$37,000 a year, and particularly welcome these days, when the county s

unemployment rate stands at 9%, well above the national average of 7.6%. Much

of that money will find its way back into the community as employees buy

houses, food, cars and so forth and as they spend they will pay sales and

property taxes, which means more government revenue and so more money for

social services.

If voestalpine fails to meet 80% or better of its promised investment and

job-creation targets in five years, Georgia can claw back whatever portion of

the $14m in credits and grants has not been claimed or spent. Chris Cummiskey,

who heads Georgia s Department of Economic Development, says that companies

such as voestalpine are putting far more into the community than they are

taking out .

Not everyone agrees. Opposition to incentives is a rare issue that can unite

progressives and tea-party types. Greg LeRoy, who heads an

economic-development watchdog group called Good Jobs First, suggests that

states would be better off making investments that benefit everyone, rather

than showering big companies with dollars. He calls subsidies aimed at luring

or, worse, retaining companies that say they are thinking of moving (see chart)

a race to the bottom that wastes a lot of money on a microscopic fraction of

employees . Instead he suggests that governments should fund training

programmes, cluster training, investments in infrastructure or fibre-optic

networks or [school] education. These are much safer investments benefiting

lots of different employers. Mr Cummiskey believes that given Georgia s

infrastructure, even with no incentives, We d pick up most of the business in

the south-east.

That is easy to say from a comfortable perch in a big, rich city such as

Atlanta. But incentives can give scrappier, hungrier places a way to compete

for business. They keep dominant cities from getting too comfortable. They help

businesses keep costs down and hedge their expansion risks. The cash crunch

that followed the downturn led some states to spend more on economic

development in order to lure businesses. It has led others to save precious

funds by tightening economic-development budgets. Putting even a rough dollar

figure on the number of incentives offered is difficult, but all states and

many cities and counties have them, and they have become an accepted and

largely beneficial aspect of competition.

They take a variety of forms: credits for creating jobs, taxpayer-funded

workforce training, property-tax abatements, assistance with land acquisition

(land is often just given away) and site development, credits against expenses

for research and development, sales-tax refunds on machinery or energy used in

manufacturing, credits for redeveloping brownfields or opening a business in a

poor district.

Some are statutory; they are available to any company that meets a

predetermined requirement. The $3.3m in job-creation credits that voestalpine

will receive, for instance, comes from a credit available to any company in

Georgia that creates jobs in one of seven sectors, including manufacturing. A

company gets $3,000 per job per year for five years as a credit against its

total tax liability. Voestalpine s port-tax credits are also available to any

company in Georgia that increases imports or exports through Georgia s ports by

at least 10% over the previous year. Around half of all American states have

some sort of job-creation tax credits. Some target wages, as Georgia s does;

others target types of businesses: in 2010 California and Connecticut both

enacted credits for small businesses that hire full-time workers.

Others, such as the relatively small $275,000 that went toward voestalpine s

site development, are discretionary, meaning they go to specific companies for

specific purposes most often to large companies relocating or expanding in a

state. The largest source of discretionary funds is probably the Texas

Enterprise Fund (TEF), which Rick Perry, the governor, created in 2003. Texas

calls this a deal-closing fund, critics a slush fund for the well-connected;

either way, it provides grants that have ranged between $194,000 and $50m to

companies choosing between a site in Texas and one in another state. Companies

must promise to hire a lot of people (at least 75 in cities and 25 in rural

areas) at wages above the county average. Since 2004 the TEF has dispersed

$487.4m. Texas also offers grants to technology companies through its Texas

Emerging Technology Fund, which has given nearly $195m to 137 businesses since


Texas s free hand has inspired copycats: all its neighbours now have

discretionary deal-closing funds, as do several other states. They have come

into vogue even as cash grants have generally grown scarcer. Companies may

prefer cash grants to help them hedge risks and defray costs during a major

expansion or those tenuous first few years, but in recent times states have

tended to prefer credits and abatements, which have little or no upfront cost

and have impacts that can be spread over several years.

The downturn has also led to demands for greater accountability for recipients

of incentives and greater scrutiny from state legislatures. Many states now

have clawback provisions written into their incentives. A 2012 study by the Pew

Centre on the States found that (only) four states rigorously assessed their

economic-development incentives, and used the results of those assessments to

inform policy decisions. Without such measures costs can balloon. Louisiana,

for instance, brought in an extraction-tax exemption for horizontal drilling in

1994, when that was a newish technology. In 2007 it cost the state $285,000. By

2010 horizontal drilling had become a common method of getting natural-gas

deposits from the Haynesville Shale in northern Louisiana, and the exemption

cost the state $239m. Such scrutiny may have helped inspire the welcome trend

away from film-tax credits, which have limited lasting effect; the number of

states offering them fell from 40 in 2010 to 34 in 2012, though that is still a

lot more than four in 2001.

Even supporters admit that there is no simple way to determine how effective

incentives are. Take Texas. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,

between June 2009 and June 2011 the state was responsible for nearly half of

all jobs created in America. How much of that is due to the generous incentives

it offers, and how much to other factors? Texas, after all, is a state where

union closed-shops are banned, and with a lot of cheap land; a company could

relocate there from Chicago, Boston or New York and come out ahead on land and

labour costs alone.

A study by Angelou Economics, a consultancy headed by Angelos Angelou, a former

vice-president of economic development for the Greater Austin Chamber of

Commerce, in April 2012 found job growth correlated less with the amount of

incentives states offer than with rates of entrepreneurship, retention of young

professionals and overall business climate. States with an ageing population

and high corporate taxes, such as Maine, may need to be more generous with

incentives than young, low-tax states such as Georgia or Texas. Some may not

like it, but brisk interstate competition is far better than none.

Correction: According to the original version of this story a study by the Pew

Centre on the States found that 13 states assessed all of their

economic-development incentives and used the results to inform their policy

choices. In fact, only four do. This was corrected on April 30th 2013.

From the print edition: United States