< The Train Writer - Part I



Ah! I see now.

Maybe you've seen him?

Not yet, only opossums and the occasional gopher. Come to think of it, these opossums are said to be quite talkative, too.

Hah, how appropriate! St. Fridolin, though renowned for his missionary work in what would be Southern Germany and Switzerland nowadays, was supposedly born in Ireland, and travelled all the way through Britain and France -- a very long way to travel in those times.

An Irishman, you say!? That's some interesting trivia, and appropriate indeed. He was from Nuremberg, originally, if remember correctly. Constantine probably would have left, either. After all, that city has a history of prosecuting mass murders...

Anyone knows a Gemini-appropriate alternative to the blushing emoji :-D?

How about an Asciirage face:

  .'               '.
 / ( ' )       ( ' ) \
|    # ';-;-;-;' #    |  OH
|                     | STOP
 \                   / IT, YOU
  '.    \          .'

Or in this context:

   __   __   _
|-'  '-'  '-' |    OH
[* <> * <> * <]   STOP
 <_)(')""(')(_>  IT, YOU
 ==== /   \ ====
   '-.\`T'/.-'           .-
      \MWM(             /-.
       \vv        _____/_)
        |_.--. .(]_.'  \
        |      >       /

Although it's the wrong John blushing here.

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~littlejohn wrote:

That second one's amazing!