GG(1) General Commands Manual GG(1) NAME gg gemini client SYNOPSIS gg [-23Nnv] [-C cert] [-d mode] [-H sni] [-K key] [-P host[:port]] [-T seconds] gemini://... DESCRIPTION gg (gemini get) fetches the given gemini page and prints it to standard output. The options are as follows: -2 Accept only TLSv1.2. -3 Accept only TLSv1.3. -C certificate Use the given client certificate. -d mode Specify what gg should print. mode can be one of: none print only the body of the reply code print only the response code header print only the response header meta print only the response meta all print the whole response as-is. -H sni Use the given sni host name instead of the one deducted by the IRI or proxy. -K key Specify the key for the certificate. It's mandatory if -C is used. -N Disables the server name verification. -n Check that the given IRI is valid, but don't make any requests. -P host[:port] Connect to the given host and port to do the request instead of the ones extracted by the IRI. port is by default 1965. -T seconds Kill gg after seconds. EXIT STATUS The gg utility exits with zero if the response code was in the 2x range. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS gg uses the Flexible and Economical UTF-8 decoder written by Bjoern Hoehrmann. AUTHORS The gg utility was written by Omar Polo . CAVEATS gg doesn't do any TOFU (Trust On First Use) or any X.509 certificate validation beyond the name verification. gg doesn't follow redirects. OpenBSD 7.1 January 30, 2022 OpenBSD 7.1