Work rules we love to hate

The path to adulthood and a professional career has plenty of rules spoken

and unspoken. From how to present yourself to when to show up for the workday,

the workplace is full of must-dos.

But are some of these rules driving good employees away? And is there a better

way to make people happy at work? These are topics LinkedIn Influencers weighed

in on this week. Here s what two of them had to say.

Liz Ryan, chief executive and founder at Human Workplace

My dad put up with stupid corporate rules because his employer offered him a

career path, job security forever and an awesome pension plan, wrote Ryan in

her post Ten Stupid Rules That Drive Great Employees Away. All that stuff is

history. Employers who keep Mad-Men-era policies in place will keep driving

their best people away until they spot the connection between policies,

passion, performance and profits. The more policies, the less passion you ll

get from your team.

It might sound obvious, but Ryan points to 10 rules and policies that make

people want to quit. Among them:

Attendance policies. Salaried people don't need attendance policies. That's

why they're on salary. If you're still dinging people for getting to work 10

minutes late when they commonly stay an hour late every day, you don't deserve

them on your team, wrote Ryan.

Dress code rules. We write dress code policies because we'd die of

embarrassment having to talk to an employee face-to-face about his or her

excessively club-by or beach-y attire, she wrote. We're managers, and sticky

human topics are part of the job. Get rid of the insultingly detailed dress

code policy and simply remind your employees to dress for business.

Bell curve performance reviews. Performance reviews in general are a

bureaucratic waste of time, but the ones that force managers to fit their

teammates into pre-set slots on a Bell Curve are disgusting, Ryan wrote. If

you truly don't trust your managers to hire wonderful employees, why did you

make them managers? Bell curve performance reviews only encourage the hiring

and retention of so-so employees, or worse.

Approvals for everything. We'd expect any employer to require approval from

higher-ups before you're allowed to spend a lot of money or hire someone new.

We'd expect some required approval before you launch a project or put someone

on probation, Ryan wrote. Do we really need a manager's written approval for

an employee to replace his ID badge? We have taken nearly all the latitude away

from the talented adults we hire. More bureaucracy only slows us down.

Forced ranking. Forced ranking, sometimes call stack ranking, is a process of

lining up your employees and comparing them to one another, best to worst. It's

easily the stupidest idea corporate and institutional weenies have ever come up

with, Ryan argued. You can't work for a company that treats like you like a

two-by-four stacked up against other pieces of lumber. People are unique and

whole in themselves.

Frequent flier policies. Business travel is a grind. It's not easy being on

the road and leaving your life behind. Your employees earn every frequent-flyer

mile their business travel entitles them to. Those miles are theirs, not their

employer's, wrote Ryan. Any company stingy enough to steal its employees'

frequent-flyer miles is not an employer that can grow your flame or take you to

the next step on your path.

Why do companies install so many stupid rules and policies? Fear is the

reason, wrote Ryan. Fearful managers don't trust themselves to hire people

they could trust to do the right thing.

John Neary, chief executive at CARite

How do you make sure employees are happy? It s a complex topic and separates

managers from leaders, wrote Neary in his post Key Concepts for Leaders Who

Value Employee Happiness, Team members are content, he wrote, when they truly

believe they are contributing to something special, growing as a person and

connecting with others in a meaningful way.

How does this play out in practise in each area? Neary explained:

I m contributing. Your team should have a clear mission, ideally one that

resonates with and inspires the entire group, he wrote. When people see that

they play a clear role in building something special, they will respond

accordingly. Happiness and purpose go hand in hand.

I m growing. When people at all levels have opportunities to grow (either by

formal training or simply by trying new things) they will respond positively,

Neary wrote. Give those around you permission to make honest and smart

mistakes as they try to grow professionally. Happiness and growth also go hand

in hand.

I m connecting. Trust in your leader is important. Trust within your team is

just as important, he wrote. Great teams are made up of individuals who care

for and support each other. They understand and trust the motives of their

peers and they genuinely applaud each other's successes. People are simply

happier when they feel part of a cohesive and trusted 'family'.