Why CEOs Don t Get Fired as Often as They Used To

Per-Ola Karlsson

June 15, 2015

The number of chief executive officers who were dismissed from their jobs at

large global companies fell to a record low last year. At first glance that

might suggest complacency on the part of boards of directors, but it s actually

good news about corporate governance in general and CEO succession planning in

particular. It means that boards are doing a better job of choosing top leaders

far better than they were doing a decade ago. Data for the world s largest

2,500 companies also suggests that better CEO succession practices are

converging around the world, as regional differences in CEO succession rates

have narrowed sharply in recent years.

The reduction in forced successions indicates that boards of directors have

become significantly more practiced at selecting the right chief executives,

and planning and executing smoother transitions from one to the next. From 2000

to 2008, the average number of planned successions as a percent of turnover

events per year (excluding turnover events resulting from M&A) was only 63%.

But from 2009 onward, the percentage of planned successions has steadily

increased, to a record 86% in 2014. Forced turnovers have become much less

common. In 2004, for example, 37% of departing CEOs were forced out, but in

2014, that figure had fallen to 14%.


One reason for this improvement may be the increased focus on corporate

governance over the 2000-2014 period, starting with the enactment of the

Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the U.S. in 2002, as well as significant corporate

governance reforms in the U.K. and the European Union. Momentum for increased

transparency in governance and for better-qualified and more independent

directors has continued to the present, as has the convergence of governance

standards. At the same time, increased regulation has also heightened

compliance risks for companies and their directors, underscoring their duty to

choose senior leaders carefully. The rise of activist investors, which

challenge boards at companies where shareholder returns are lagging, may also

be a factor.

But a more fundamental reason for better CEO succession practices is that

directors and senior corporate leaders are learning from the mistakes of the

past. It has become increasingly clear that unplanned CEO changes which are

evidence of underlying problems with CEO succession practices are bad for

corporate performance and are very costly to shareholders. We quantified these

costs in Strategy& s annual Study of CEOs, Governance, and Success, which

estimated that companies that fire their CEOs forgo an average $1.8 billion in

shareholder value compared with companies that have planned successions.

If a failed CEO succession is so costly, then how does it happen? We found that

failed successions are typically a result of boards not paying close enough

attention to the senior leadership pipeline. Instead, they ve often delegated

the job of finding a replacement to the incumbent CEO. Boards at companies that

have to fire their CEOs also tend to rely overly on candidates track records,

effectively making their choices based on what worked in the past rather than

on what will work in the future.

We ve also seen global CEO succession rates converge in recent years, as the

exhibit below shows. In 2004, the global rate of successions at the world s

2500 largest companies was 14.7%, and the spread between the lowest regional

rate (North America, at 12.8%) and the highest (the BRIC countries, 23.9%) was

more than 11 percentage points. In 2014, the global rate of successions was

slightly lower, at 14.3%, but the spread between the highest (Other Emerging

countries, 15.9%) and the lowest (North America, 13.2%) had fallen to less than

three points.


It is a similar story with regional rates of planned successions. In 2004, the

global rate was 7.7% for all companies, with a spread of more than 15

percentage points between the highest and lower regional rates. In 2014, the

global rate had risen to 11.2%, and the spread between the highest and lowest

regional rates was only 5.1 points.

The fact that succession rates are more universally aligned is a sign of

continued globalization. Governance practices have been converging steadily

since 2000, capital has become increasingly mobile, and senior leaders at the

largest corporations find themselves, more and more, facing the same kinds of

challenges and opportunities no matter where they are headquartered or where

they do business. In addition, we hypothesize that the benefits of better

succession planning are becomingly increasingly well understood worldwide.

The long-term improvement in CEO succession practices and the global

convergence we have seen has benefited shareholders, and there is room for

significant further improvement. We estimate that if the world s 2,500 largest

companies continue the trend toward more planned CEO changes to the point

that they reduce the share of forced turnovers to 10% from the average of 18%

over the last three years they could collectively generate an additional $60

billion in shareholder value.

Per-Ola Karlsson is a senior partner at Strategy&, part of the PwC network. His

main areas of expertise are strategy formulation, organizational development,

corporate center design, and governance. In addition, he frequently supports

companies in the areas of change management and people capabilities.