< It still hurts


It's a humbling experience for sure, especially when there's no real closure behind it. You're just left reeling with uncertainty about who you are and who you thought you were.

One thing I learned from it: seeking perfection in yourself and in others is a fruitless endeavor. It's an impossible - and more importantly - *stressful* ideal that will leave you constantly measuring the present with a future that may never happen.

Your future partner won't be perfect, but the connection you will share with her will be everything. Your future self may also not be as smart or as handsome as you wish to be, but your future self will be more experienced, more self-assured, and more at peace with your place in the world. You don't need to be smart to be useful to people, and you don't need be pretty to have an attractive playful smile.

I'm not a religious man nor a reformed alcoholic, but I'm a huge fan of the serenity prayer:

> God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  
> Courage to change the things I can,  
> and Wisdom to know the difference

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~canaryjacket wrote (thread):

This is exactly what I needed to hear. Seriously, reading this helped me feel a lot better about the whole situation.