I had been wanting, for the past few weeks, to build a playable board game over gemini. My having more or less finished a proof of concept today is timely given fox's post¹ about having made a gemini version of I Ching divination (super cool, check it out if you have not seen it). I have made the game Othello (sometimes called Reversi, though the rules differ very slightly).
The above having been said, have fun! I have enjoyed playing a few games. I only crashed molly brown once while working on it, though we are unsure what caused the crash as nothing was logged at the time of crash. I converted the logic from a JS version I made many years ago, so it is based on real old code for me and I only cleaned it up a little in the process. I'll probably wait a little bit, but I may convert my pico-8 cart² of Isola over to gemini. If that happens and goes well then maybe gomoku will be next after that. That would exhaust all of the board games I have written cpu players for (in order of quality of cpu play).
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