Apple s Shrinking Impact in the Smartphone Industry

Juan Pablo Vazquez Sampere

February 02, 2016

This post was updated on February 3.

Apple is the poster child for how to make a disruption strategy successful over


Back in 2007, when it launched the iPhone, Apple took functions that few mobile

devices had previously provided and made them accessible to millions of

consumers. Subsequent versions of the iPhone further enhanced the apps

available: the iPhone 4 introduced Apple s multitasking system (designed

especially for apps); the iPhone 5 provided apps using other developer tools*

such as Xcode and iOS SDK; and in between those iPhone generations, Apple

launched versions of each that improved and refined the new functionalities

(iPhone 4s, iPhone 5c, etc.).

But Apple s technological innovativeness is not the full story. Think about it

this way: Most health apps that you can find in the App Store are a

technological marvel. You can check or monitor yourself in ways that otherwise

would be just too costly or take too much time to do. To be sure, it s not as

good as going to a doctor, but Apple s health apps do enable people to

self-monitor themselves enough to know if they have a problem. And it is this

functionality that makes them valuable. In disruption we call this type of

inroad into an industry, in this case the health industry, a New Market

disruption. Before, people couldn t monitor their health regularly because they

didn t have the skills, time, money, or easy access to a doctor. Now they can.

Apple has pulled off the same trick in many other industries, and the message

for consumers was powerful: buy the latest iPhone because every version will

pay off you will save money and time in many areas of your life. Consumers

bought heavily into this value proposition, which is why Apple, captained by

Steve Jobs, led the smartphone industry and why the industry has grown so fast.

In a previous article I called this Apple the old Apple, a leading company

that makes the entire smartphone industry grow every time it introduces a new

phone by continuing the disruption process in other industries.

But after Steve Jobs came the iPhone 6. It was a game changer for Apple, and

not in a good way. Increasing the screen size of the handset is the iPhone 6 s

major difference from the iPhone 5. But screen size is simply an industry

feature, one that other smartphone companies have introduced already. It s a

feature valued by smartphone customers, to be sure, but it does nothing to

disrupt other industries the way previous iPhone generations did.

From the company s perspective, improving a standard feature makes a lot of

financial sense. You don t have to explain the benefits of a larger screen, so

you benefit from savings in marketing and it continues through the entire

production process of an iPhone, generating massive savings along the whole

supply chain. The fact that the larger screen was a valued feature for

consumers and that it was much less costly for Apple to produce and launch

explains the record earnings of the iPhone 6.

But the longer-term picture is not so rosy. The very same disruption process

that has made Apple so successful at capturing growth from other industries is

also happening elsewhere in the smartphone industry. Apple is getting plenty of

competition at the low end of the market. Samsung was first, of course, but now

there s also Xiaomi and many other companies with similar smartphone offerings.

This situation has not mattered until now. In smartphones, Samsung generally

hasn t disrupted other industries the way Apple has, instead usually taking a

free ride on Apple s innovations with cheaper versions that emphasize standard

product features, most notably the screen size. Now that Apple has begun to

compete on the same terms as Samsung and the other smartphone providers, there

is no smartphone company that is a market-creating innovator. Apple, Samsung,

and the others are stuck in a battle of sustaining innovations, which is about

classic competition on who makes a better phone. It does not benefit customers

in the same way.

Unfortunately for Apple, the strategic shift to engaging in classical

competition instead of continuing leading the industry doesn t have a good

prognosis. In these situations, the incumbent almost always fails and one of

the early signs of failure is the incumbent s inability to make sense of the

competitive environment. Here s Apple s CEO, Tim Cook: We re seeing extreme

conditions, unlike anything we ve experienced before, just about everywhere we


Finally, it s important to note that the recent reported slowdown in smartphone

sales does not necessarily mean that the industry is maturing. An industry s

growth rate is the result of the activities of the companies in it. If the

company that s traditionally driven industry growth has stopped disrupting

other industries, you would expect the growth rate to fall back. But the fact

that Apple has stopped disrupting other industries with iPhones does not mean

that there are no more industries to disrupt. To the contrary, I believe that

smartphones have still plenty of room to disrupt, to the great benefit of their

users which is precisely why I d love to have the old Apple back.

developer tools.

Juan Pablo Vazquez Sampere is a professor of business administration at IE

Business School in Madrid.