How to Conduct an Effective Job Interview

Rebecca Knight

January 23, 2015

The virtual stack of resumes in your inbox is winnowed and certain candidates

have passed the phone screen. Next step: in-person interviews. How should you

use the relatively brief time to get to know and assess a near stranger?

How many people at your firm should be involved? How can you tell if a

candidate will be a good fit? And finally, should you really ask questions

like: What s your greatest weakness?

What the Experts Say

As the employment market improves and candidates have more options, hiring the

right person for the job has become increasingly difficult. Pipelines are

depleted and more companies are competing for top talent, says Claudio Fern

ndez-Ar oz, a senior adviser at global executive search firm Egon Zehnder and

author of It s Not the How or the What but the Who: Succeed by Surrounding

Yourself with the Best. Applicants also have more information about each

company s selection process than ever before. Career websites like Glassdoor

have taken the mystique and mystery out of interviews, says John Sullivan, an

HR expert, professor of management at San Francisco State University, and

author of 1000 Ways to Recruit Top Talent. If your organization s interview

process turns candidates off, they will roll their eyes and find other

opportunities, he warns. Your job is to assess candidates but also to convince

the best ones to stay. Here s how to make the interview process work for you

and for them.

Prepare your questions

Before you meet candidates face-to-face, you need to figure out exactly what

you re looking for in a new hire so that you re asking the right questions

during the interview. Begin this process by compiling a list of required

attributes for the position, suggests Fern ndez-Ar oz. For inspiration and

guidance, Sullivan recommends looking at your top performers. What do they have

in common? How are they resourceful? What did they accomplish prior to working

at your organization? What roles did they hold? Those answers will help you

create criteria and enable you to construct relevant questions.

Reduce stress

Candidates find job interviews stressful because of the many unknowns. What

will my interviewer be like? What kinds of questions will he ask? How can I

squeeze this meeting into my workday? And of course: What should I wear? But

when people are stressed they do not perform as well, says Sullivan. He

recommends taking preemptive steps to lower the candidate s cortisol levels.

Tell people in advance the topics you d like to discuss so they can prepare. Be

willing to meet the person at a time that s convenient to him or her. And

explain your organization s dress code. Your goal is to make them comfortable

so that you have a productive, professional conversation.

Involve (only a few) others

When making any big decision, it s important to seek counsel from others so

invite a few trusted colleagues to help you interview. Monarchy doesn t work.

You want to have multiple checks to make sure you hire the right person, Fern

ndez-Ar oz explains. But on the other hand, extreme democracy is also

ineffective and can result in a long, drawn-out process. He recommends having

three people interview the candidate: the boss, the boss boss, and a senior

HR person or recruiter. Peer interviewers can also be really important,

Sullivan adds, because they give your team members a say in who gets the job.

They will take more ownership of the hire and have reasons to help that person

succeed, he says.

Assess potential

Budget two hours for the first interview, says Fern ndez-Ar oz. That amount of

time enables you to really assess the person s competency and potential. Look

for signs of the candidate s curiosity, insight, engagement, and

determination. Sullivan says to assume that the person will be promoted and

that they will be a manager someday. The question then becomes not only can

this person do the job today, but can he or she do the job a year from now when

the world has changed? Ask the candidate how he learns and for his thoughts on

where your industry is going. No one can predict the future, but you want

someone who is thinking about it every day, Sullivan explains.

Ask for real solutions

Don t waste your breath with absurd questions like: What are your weaknesses?

You might as well say, Lie to me, says Sullivan. Instead try to discern how

the candidate would handle real situations related to the job. After all, How

do you hire a chef? Have them cook you a meal, he says. Explain a problem your

team struggles with and ask the candidate to walk you through how she would

solve it. Or describe a process your company uses, and ask her to identify

inefficiencies. Go back to your list of desired attributes, says Fern ndez-Ar

oz. If you re looking for an executive who will need to influence a large

number of people over whom he won t have formal power, ask: Have you ever been

in a situation where you had to persuade other people who were not your direct

reports to do something? How did you do it? And what were the consequences?

Consider cultural fit, but don t obsess

Much has been made about the importance of cultural fit in successful hiring.

And you should look for signs that the candidate will be comfortable at your

organization, says Fern ndez-Ar oz. Think about your company s work environment

and compare it to the candidate s orientation. Is he a long-term planner or a

short-term thinker? Is he collaborative or does he prefer working

independently? But, says Sullivan, your perception of a candidate s disposition

isn t necessarily indicative of whether he can acclimate to a new culture.

People adapt, he says. What you really want to know is: can they adjust?

Sell the job

If the meeting is going well and you believe that the candidate is worth

wooing, spend time during the second half of the interview selling the role and

the organization. If you focus too much on selling at the beginning, it s hard

to be objective, says Fern ndez-Ar oz. But once you re confident in the

candidate, tell the person why you think he or she is a good fit, he

recommends. Bear in mind that the interview is a mutual screening process.

Make the process fun, says Sullivan. Ask them if there s anyone on the team

they d like to meet. The best people to sell the job are those who live it,

he explains. Peers give an honest picture of what the organization is like.

Principles to Remember


Lower your candidates stress levels by telling them in advance the kinds of

questions you plan to ask

Ask behavioral and situational questions

Sell the role and the organization once you re confident in your candidate

Don t:

Forget to do pre-interview prep list the attributes of an ideal candidate and

use it to construct relevant questions

Involve too many other colleagues in the interviews multiple checks are good,

but too many people can belabor process

Put too much emphasis on cultural fit remember, people adapt

Case study #1: Provide relevant, real-life scenarios to reveal how candidates


The vast majority of hires at Four Kitchens, the web design firm in Austin, TX,

are through employee referrals. So in November, when Todd Ross Nienkerk, the

company s founder and CEO, had an opening for an account manager, he had a

hunch about who should get the job. It was somebody who d been a finalist for

a position here years ago, says Todd. We ll call her Deborah. We kept her in

mind and when this job opened, she was the first person we called.

Even though Deborah was a favored candidate, she again went through the company

s three-step interview process. The first focused on skills. When Four

Kitchens interviews designers or coders, it typically asks applicants to

provide a portfolio of work. We ask them to talk us through their process. We

re not grilling them, but we want to know how they think and we want to see

their personal communication style. But for the account manager role, Todd

took a slightly different tack. Before the interview, he and the company s head

of business development put together a job description and then came up with

questions based on the relevant responsibilities. They started with questions

like: What are things you look for in a good client? What are red flags in a

client relationship? How do you deal with stress?

Then, Todd presented Deborah with a series of redacted client emails that

represented a cross-section of day-to-day communication: some were standard

requests for status updates; others involved serious contract disputes and

pointed questions. We said, Pretend you work here. Talk us through how you d

handle this. It put her on the spot, but frankly, this is what the job


After a successful first round, Deborah moved on to the second phase, the team

interview. In this instance, she met with a project manager, a designer, and

two developers. These are an opportunity for applicants to find out what it s

like to work here, says Todd. But the biggest reason we do it is to ensure

that everyone is involved in the process and feels a sense of ownership over

the hire.

The final stage was the partner interview, during which Todd asked Deborah

questions about career goals and the industry. It was also an opportunity for

her to ask us tough questions about where our company is headed, he says.

Deborah got the job, and started earlier this month.

Case study #2: Make the candidate comfortable and sell the job

When Mimi Gigoux, the EVP of human resources at Criteo, the French ad-tech

company, interviews a job candidate, she looks for signs of intellect,

open-mindedness, and passion both for the company and for the role. Technical

expertise can be taught on the job, but you can t teach passion, drive, and

creativity, says Mimi, who is based in Silicon Valley.

About two months ago, Mimi opened a requisition for a new member of her team.

She was particularly interested in one of the applicants: a person who had

previously run talent operations at several top companies in the Bay Area. We

ll call him Bryan.

Before the interview, her team communicated with Bryan about the kinds of

questions Mimi planned to ask. I don t believe in tough interviews, she

says. If candidates perceive a hostile environment, they go into

self-preservation mode. And when Bryan came in for the interview, she did

everything she could to make him comfortable. She started by asking him

questions about his hobbies and interests, and Bryan told her about recent

trips he had taken to Nepal and Australia. It told me that he was open and

intrigued by different cultures a characteristic she deemed critical for the

recruiting role.

Mimi then moved on to past professional experience. Her aim, she says, was to

find out what inspired him to move from one job to the next. She also asked

behavioral-based questions. I wanted to see how he identified patterns and

problems, how he has managed difficult personalities in the past, and how he

worked cross-functionally, she says.

As the interview progressed, Mimi became more and more convinced that Bryan was

the right person for the job. She shifted from asking questions to detailing

how special this company is. She explains, I wanted him to walk away from the

interview thinking: I want to work at Criteo.

Mimi offered the job to Bryan; he accepted but later had to retract for

personal reasons.

Rebecca Knight is a freelance journalist in Boston and a lecturer at Wesleyan

University. Her work has been published in The New York Times, USA Today, and

The Financial Times.