Welp, I am 100% off the doge train.

Just in time for it to rise a whole penny and hold at 6 cents. That's life, I guess. I didn't think they'd peak that high again. But my gambling fund is in the black right now so I can't be too mad about it.

I've been trying to explain cryptocurrency to spouse. "Listen, there's a bunch of computers solving sodokus and a lot of people have decided they are worth money. But everyone all over the world is having a 24/7 betting war over exactly how much money they're worth and how many sodokus they can get. See, THESE sodokus are worth $38k each and THESE OTHER sodokus are only worth 5 cents."

He gives me the same look as when I try to talk astrology at him. Spouse is no dummy, he's at least as bright as I am if not brighter. You wouldn't believe how many warhammer 40k stats and obscure historical facts he knows off the top of his head. He just doesn't care about hard techie stuff, nor does he care about astrology, and this may as well be esoteric tech astrology. You'd have better luck getting a cat to play with the fancy new cat toy you bought, rather than the box it came in, than get spouse to give a single shit about what's involved in the process of bitcoin mining.

PONIES. "Listen, I'm betting on these ponies. I got us 89 of these ponies and they theoretically made us 15 cents each today. They are good ponies and we're going to keep them. They're running a race that never ends until we decide it's the right time to sell them. There's all kinds of different ponies running different races. Like the doge ponies. But I had to sell the doge ponies because they wouldn't let me put the ponies in our own stable. They wanted to keep the doge ponies in their stable and just let me look at them from the fence and point at them and say they're mine. But what's to stop them from just taking our ponies and leaving? Then we'd have no ponies, no money, nothing. So I had to sell those doge ponies so I could buy from someone who would let me put them in our own stable. See?"

What's going to be hilarious is when he reports back on how he explained cryptocurrency to his coworkers. "So there's these ponies that solve sodokus, and my wife bets money on them."

This is good times, though. I am enjoying buying small amounts of different cryptocurrencies and testing if my instincts are good or not. Everything seems to be an an upswing at the moment, so it's hard to tell if prices will settle down and fall collectively or this is the natural result of a lot of new people getting interested in crypto. Maybe it's just my desperation to find some silver lining in this shitty lost year, but I'm hoping this is a real investment I can point to in five or ten years and be glad I had the spare time to learn and get started.

It's snowing again. It's not sticking, but anything falling from the sky here means people forget how to drive. We stay home because we don't want to risk a car accident. I have umpteen billion projects to finish. Cats are happy and napping. Things seem good.