
Documenting various bratwurst experiments here

Round 1

500g pork shoulder

500g veal trimmings

200g pork fat

2% salt

1% pepper

1% carraway

4x garlic cloves

Course ground once, mix in spices, course grind again. Stuffed by hand using a coke bottle end.


Grinding on anything except the course grind was impossible. Probably due to the old grinder.

Slightly too much salt, try 1.5% next time

Carraway and pepper good.

Garlic should be crushed or chopped finer next time

Would try with higher fat percentage next time, maybe double?

Round 2

500g pork shoulder

500g venison

380g pork fat

2% salt

1% pepper

1% carraway

Sharpened grinder blades. Much better now.

Hard to stuff, too warm? Smashed bowl tragedy.

Round 3

640g pork shoulder

500g veal trim

380g pork fat

=1520g total meat

4x garlic cloves

2% salt = 30g

1% black pepper = 15g

0.5% white pepper = 7.5g

0.5% caraway = 7.5g

2% breadcrumbs = 30g

Very good but cut back on the garlic and pepper next time, add majoram.

Round 4

561g pork shoulder

340g veal trim

226g pork fat

=1127g total meat

1x garlic cloves

2% salt = 22.5g

0.5% black pepper = 6g

0.5% white pepper = 6g

0.25% caraway = 3g

0.25% marjoram = 3g

2% breadcrumbs = 22.5g

Served with freshly baked Baguettes, delicious, would replicate.

~~ This capsule is currently hosted on an esp8266 microcontroller ~~

Temp: 15.93 Humidity: 92.23