
generator: pandoc

title: Reflecting on Gamergate Today in 2020

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I worked really hard on blogging about video games, years ago, but I was

really disheartened to discover way too late, but long before

'Gamergate' that there is really no such thing as 'video games

journalism'---to be a professional video game reviewer is to just

confect advertisements.

Video games have been trivialised socially, and given such a stigma of

being juvenile that you're probably better off doing work on the

political science, sociology, and industrial economics of the video

games industry.

Hardt & Negri, and, as much as it pains me to say this, Zizek studies on

video game multimedia have so much more integrity than what claims to be

'video games journalism'.

Also: journalism? In its newspaper form it is a part of the capitalist

state. Many of my old university peers who worked as journalists have

basically become staffers for politicians.