Maybe *projects* is the wrong word. But "status on things I currently like or want to do" would be an unweildy title.
Three eggplant starts, four pepper starts, and four celery starts doing well indoors, all in the process of hardening off to plant outside. There have been erratic frosts, so the formal planting date is still uncertain.
I've planted carrot, yod fah, and lemon balm seeds directly in the garden, plus one succession planting of each. I'll do another succession planting on wednesday after the two nighttime frosts we're due have passed. Everything but the carrots have sprouted, but carrots always germinate slow for me.
I thought my celery plants died a few weeks ago (they just fell over because I didn't plant them deep enough) so I started peas where I intend to put the celery. I'll have to cut those out and eat em :) Luckily pea shoots are tasty.
I'll plant okra, lovage, basil, and miscellaneous leftover seeds from last year on the same day I do the transplants. I'll probably focus on green beans with the leftover seeds. They did really good last year. Maybe some edamame too.
I have been very very very slowly testing the linux waters. Started with a VM instance of Pop!_OS but I couldn't test my drawing tablet that way.
So I installed it on a spare laptop my boyfriend conjured from nowhere. My tablet has no Linux drivers so I had to install community written ones, which was an exercise in frustration for my technologically inept ass.
Burned out for a few days. Decided to draw something on my main laptop, then the Linux one so I could make sure the functionality was the same. Surprise! Tablet now buggy on windows. Burned out again.
During this break, Huion finally decided to release official Linux drivers. So I have to install those now. But I think it won't be as confusing as installing the unofficial ones.
If my tablet works ok on Linux, that's it. It's the only unknown stopping me from switching. I'm just so tired and computer stuff is so difficult for me that testing it is dragging on.
I am currently writing the final chapter of what will be my first complete novel. I don't intend to publish it for a lot of reasons. But I will edit it anyway so I can say it is FINISHED.
I have never gotten past about 60k words into a novel before running out of steam (this one will end up around 115k). So even though THE ACHE isn't publishable, I'm really happy with it. Learned a lot. I will kiss its little .otf forehead as I place it in the trunk.
I can't decide what to work on next. I have two equally appealing candidates. One is a high fantasy project I've done a ton of worldbuilding for. One is more urban-ish and occult oriented, but still set in a second world with some building to it.
I think I'll outline them both and see which looks more developed. One of my big mistakes with THE ACHE was skipping out on my favorite part of writing fantasy: worldbuilding. THE ACHE started as an idea for a video game and I handwaved way too much and it shows. So I definitely want a better grasp on WHERE my next story is set before I work on it. I had a lot of questions after I outlined THE ACHE and I shouldn't have ignored them.
I'm also considering writing a short story to submit to an anthology about librarians, but I've been so tired lately I don't know if I can work on more than one writing project at a time.
I should get back to circling the "block" every day. I live somewhere not exactly rural and not exactly suburban, so the "block" is a little over a mile and stretches up and down a steep hill. The bf's dad invited us on a trip to the Grand Canyon in September that I am NOT fit enough for. Granted, with the bf's disability, we won't be doing a whole lot of hiking anyway. But that's not the point.
I stopped walking because people let their dogs loose around here and those dogs don't really listen to their owners. Big dogs. It's scary. I just can't think of another easy thing to do that won't involve driving 20+ minutes.
Maybe once it gets more into summer and the sun rises early I'll go before they wake up to let their dogs out. Can't walk in the dark because there's no sidewalks and people drive way too damn fast.
I also need to get back to stretching every day. I sit too much.