
author: admin

generator: pandoc

title: Retro Sanctuary

viewport: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes'




'Top game' lists ('Top 100 Sega games' &c) are bad, and people should

stop making and reading them, but despite that, the people over at

brilliant job of them. Despite the conceptual incoherence of ranking

games, the lists that \_RS *compiles do a good job of helping one gain

an understanding of how the libraries of third, fourth and fifth

generation platforms are related to amongst themselves.*


The [ported-games

comparisons](http://www.retro-sanctuary.com/Comparisons%20Main.html) section

that the website has developed features a really good run-down of the

differences between the [Earthworm Jim


of the early 90s. What is particularly interesting about the article on

EWJ is its discussion of the different graphics capabilities of the SNES

and the Mega Drive--specifically, the Mega Drive's use of

[dithering](http://www.retro-sanctuary.com/comparisons%20-%20differing.html) as

a remedy for its limited on-screen colour palette.