
Authors: Kévin

Date: 2022 04 23

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OH.MG is currently trying it's very best at being ecologically friendly and contibuting to a better envrionment. Some of the ways this is happening is using where possible green web hosts (such as Dreamhost, 1984.is, and WebSupport.se), selecting a bank that runs projects to help the envrionment (Bunq), and re-locating services out of huge data centres where possible (BBS, Email, and Gopher).

Some protocols are more lightweight and envrionmentally friendly - Gemini, Gopher, and the BBS (telnet) - that require less computing power to reach.

Outside of the digital realm I also take the train where possible (in lieu of flying), use public transportation for daily travel in the city.

There are a lot of small things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint :