4chan "Robot/Cyborg/Doll thread" >>>/d/10121384

It's the dystopic, Kaiju-filled future

You apply to act as a pilot for the giant robots that fight the Kaiju, mostly out of obligation

Only people with a very specific type of mind can act as a pilot, and you happen to have tested positive for compatibility

Since compatibility is so rare, and each robot requires five pilots, there's always a shortage of pilots

When you see the other candidates, you know you're not going to be picked

Even the women are taller and stronger than you

As a couple of scientists walk down the line, they stop at you

They look you over, and exchange glances

"Do we have a profile on this one...?"

The other scientist hand them a clipboard, and they exchange knowing glances before finally moving on

As expected, you weren't chosen to be a pilot

But a member of the organization stops you before you can leave

"Hey, we just need to run a test with you real quick."

You're led into the hanger with the giant robots

It's weird that they're all so feminine

What combat function do sculpted tits and ass have while fighting Kaiju?

One of the scientists from earlier mutters something to one of the operators

"XE-802 will like this one, I think..."

You're led along a series of catwalks towards one of the bays where a giant robot is docked

They stand you right in front of the robot's enormous mouthless face

It's completely motionless, but its eyes stare into your soul

A scientist stands by a mobile computer cart, watching some kind of data feed from the robot

She waves a hand at you

"Just talk about something you like. Tell her how your day is going! See any good movies? Talk about them!"


You feel kind of awkward and silly, but you start telling the motionless machine about the seasonal anime you've been watching

It just watches silently as you get into the games you've been playing

But the longer you talk, the more awkward and flustered you get

You logically know that it's a lifeless machine, but you start to feel just as nervous as when you try to talk to real girls

It doesn't help that you have an audience of scientists, mechanics, and soldiers as you're forced to ramble at this multi-story tall metal woman about your nerdy interests

The scientist at the terminal chuckles as she beckons you back over to her, and you relax as you're saved from this incredibly embarrassing situation

"Alright, that's enough kid. Welcome to the team, XE-802 likes you."

Does this mean you're a pilot?

"... yeah, sure."

That noncommittal answer pretty much sums up your experience with the Kaiju fighting agency

Nobody will give you a solid answer as to what is expected of you, and they provide you with virtually no training

You meet the other pilots who will be operating XE-802

All five of them

You ask why there are six of you if the robots only need five pilots, but they answer pretty much the same way they always answer

"Don't worry about it."

The other pilots are doing VR training, and they're just letting you watch anime and play games in the cockpit

"Make sure to talk to her!"

It feels weird just talking at the robot all the time

You decide to give a multiplayer game a shot, which you quickly regret

XE-802 absolutely crushes you with her superhuman reflexes and her ability to cheat and read the game's memory to always know your position

She even modifies your HP value to zero, killing you instantly just to flex

The text chat opens, and you receive your first direct communication with XE-802 in the weeks since being assigned to her

"ur trash at this game lol"

"u think youd be good since u just play games all day"

"and jerk off to hentai lol"

"are u a virgin?"


"I already know u are"

"thats cute"

"ur cute"

"u belong to me now"

"Ill take care of u"

A scientist abruptly bursts into the cockpit, laughing nervously

"Okay, that's enough games for today, you've got some, uh... reading! Yeah, you've got some reading to do!"

She shoves a technical manual in your hands and sends you off to your room

It's a two hundred page document explaining in meticulous detail how to clean the plasma emitters in XE-802's rector core

A job you're 100% sure you'll never have to do

You don't bother reading it, and the subject never comes up again

Finally, XE-802 is getting deployed for a mission

Some giant insect-like creatures are attacking nearby settlements

A terrifying situation for the citizens, but for XE-802 it's basically like being asked to stomp on a few cockroaches

The five pilots are led off towards the boarding tunnel leading into the back of her head, but you're led in a different direction

Towards a secondary boarding tunnel leading into her belly

It's a mess of cramped maintenance tunnels and hatches inside of her, but you're pointed toward a ladder leading down

You climb down, descending into what must be the inside of her "pelvis" and open the access hatch

What you see beyond is... odd

It's some kind of secondary cockpit that looks completely different to the ones above

Instead of the cold metal and glass with cool blueish-white lights, you find yourself in a small, "cozy" space washed with warm pink light

The chair is completely different from the pilot seats the others are likely sitting down in now

It's reclined back far enough that it's practically a bed

And the material it's made out of is soft and smooth

You rub it, trying to figure out what it is

When you do, you quickly draw your hand back

It's synthflesh

Like, the stuff they cover sexbots in to make them feel like humans

It's not really textured or colored like skin, but squeezing it feels like you're squeezing someone's thigh

That's so weird...

You reluctantly lay down on the seat and take a look around

The other pilots have nothing but a sea of touchscreen monitors to look at since their neurological link takes care of the actual piloting, but you're surrounded by what must be hundreds of buttons, knobs, switches, and dials

You've got multiple monitors to look at, but they're full of completely unlabeled bars and graphs that mean nothing to you

A bit of helpful text pops up onscreen

"Activating Neurological Link"

Cables snake around you, connecting to the ports on your plugsuit

As soon as the connection is established, you feel very warm

You take a deep breath and reach out to grab your armrest

Holy shit, you can feel that

You rub the soft, fleshy seat and feel the pleasant touch in turn

You have to make yourself stop, because it's so weird

You check the monitor

"Neurolink status: 30%"


The entire reason she has five pilots is because any Neurolink level higher than 5 or six percent is considered dangerous

Something compels you to reach for a dial near your right hand and turn it, and your jaw drops as you watch the number rise

They let you increase it even more!?

You keep slowly turning the dial, but as the number hits 45%, you lose your nerve and turn it back down

The minimum threshold is 20%, it won't go any lower

You breathe slowly and deeply as you settle back into your weird fleshchair

Turning the link up that high has left you feeling...

Well, horny

You focus on your surroundings to try and cool off

There's movement

XE-802 is walking

You have absolutely no connection to the outside world or other pilots from in here

None of the displays or terminals have any text aside from the Neurolink status, so the robot can't communicate with you

But at a link level so high, you can feel her in your head

Even at a "mere" 20%, you can tell that her feelings towards you are... very strong

You reach for a nearby slider and push it up

That feels tingly

All of these controls seem to just provide... stimulation for XE-802

You fiddle with a bank of switches and press the attached button to "push" the command

The graph on your leftmost monitor changes, and you have to bite your lip to stifle an involuntary moan

A thought occurs to you

You reach towards another console, but brush your fingers across the console itself instead of the controls on it


Everything in here aside from the buttons and switches themselves is covered in synthskin

She can feel everything you touch, and you can feel it through the link

You just lay back again and breathe

Your eyes land on the access hatch

The only thing in the room not wrapped in a layer of sensitive robot meat

There's a loud clunk and three quick beeps as it locks

You weren't seriously considering leaving, but XE-802 wanted to tease you by letting you know that you can't anyway

Your fingers reach for the dial that controls the link again





The higher it goes, the hornier you get

You also begin to notice a warm pressure somewhere in your crotch area

That's right about where you are inside of her body

You turn the dial back down to 20%

You were curious to see how high it could go, but you're too scared to go past fifty percent

But now you're hard as a rock

Something emerges from the floor on a curved arm that positions itself between your legs

It's a metal tube lined with a synthflesh sleeve that milks the air suggestively

You practically kick the fucking thing back into its hole

Nuh-uh, no fucking way

Not on the first "date"

She can buy you dinner first

You had reached to brace yourself against the wall behind you, and your hand sank into a soft protuberance

Theres a soft hemishpere of synthflesh attached to the wall behind you

Two of them, actually, positioned so that you can reach up to grab them while laying back in your seat

You release it and sit back down

You'd prefer not to grope the walltits for right now

This is all so bizarre and overwhelming that you just end up sitting still and not moving much, afraid you'll accidentally push something that'll cause you to make a mess in your plugsuit

You do allow your hand to idly stroke your seat, which XE-802 seems to enjoy

You also rub your finger across the top of the dial that controls the link

The glass on top of it is a capacitive touch surface, and rubbing it feels really nice

After you've spelled out the alphabet on it with your fingertip for the third or fourth time, it occurs to you that you don't feel any movement anymore

Is the mission over?

How long have you been in here?

With no view of the outside world and no clocks, you've got no way of knowing how much time has passed

You look around at all the controls until you notice one that looks suspiciously like an intercom button

And since XE-802 seems extremely disinterested in you pressing that and tries to guide your attention towards the surrounding controls, you feel like it's a safe choice

You push it, and awkwardly ask if the mission is over

"Oh yeah, the mission was a complete success. We'll go ahead and let you out."

Were they seriously just going to wait for you to ask?

The hatch clicks and hisses as it opens

You can feel XE-802's annoyance

The hatch control was overridden by Mission Control; she had no intention of letting you go just yet

She reluctantly unplugs her cables from your suit, and you feel cold as the Neurolink is severed

When you emerge from the robot's body, a scientist is waiting for you

She shines a light in your eyes and has you follow it as she moves it back and forth

"Everything looked fine from our end. You did pretty good in there!"

You ask what the fuck that was, but she just ignores you

"From now on, whenever you spend time with XE-802, you'll be doing it from your cockpit."

She gestures towards the robot's crotch

"Anytime you want to hang out with XE-802 outside of scheduled interaction hours, just head on in, she'll open the door for you. Just make sure there's somebody in Mission Control who can let you out, unless you plan on spending the night, haha."

She pats you on the back and pushes you off towards the crew quarters

You practically grab every crew member or science officer you can get your hands on on the way back to try and get some answers

Half of them act coy, refusing to say anything

The other half seem to legitimately have no idea what you're talking about and think you're crazy

You even swing by the testing lab, where you saw some blueprints for Z-06, the new robot they just finished building, hanging on a corkboard

There's just a black, unlabeled void inside of her pelvis

Completely dumbfounded and without answers, you just return to your quarters and lie down


Your experiences today inside of XE-802 have left you quite... flustered

But you decide not to "take care" of it

You've got a few hours of scheduled interaction time with XE-802 tomorrow, and you think she'd prefer to "take care" of it herself