
generator: pandoc

title: '2008-04-16-appropriate-consequences'

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Dear Charlie,\


I hope you and your brother are keeping well. I know both of you don't

think much of The Club's society but I'm certain that you'll at least

warm to the charms of it's estate. Both of you know that you can travel

wherever you wish around the countryside in your carriage, please enjoy



I shan't bother with idle pleasantries any more Charles; such pretence I

find dangerous now. I left you and your brother because it was

necessitated by your welfare. If I was to be with you now, both of you

would find yourselves in the most perilous danger of indescribable

proportions. What I am about to reveal to you is for your eyes only, and

for Roy's ears in turn. I expect that how and whenever you inform Roy of

this secret should not matter, as the nature of this tale ironically

resembles the stories you and your brother are notorious for inventing

late at night when you should be sleeping.\


That aside, I must begin, for I haven't much time, and I have so much to



Charlie, we are at war. We find ourselves opposed by a great and

fearsome army, mobilised by hate and with intentions none less than

wanton destruction. This is no joke, my poor nephew - and neither is

this an unknown foe. We find ourselves the arch-enemy of the Great

Republic of Gremano.\


You must already be curious why; for many many years now the People of

the South have been our sworn allies and cousins in prosperity, and for

many, this is all they have ever known. It is with great anxiety that I

must now attempt to explain to you this is no longer the case. For many

years I have hid from you and your dear sweet brother many secrets - and

indeed my very own nation - it is now time to explain everything to



You are most certainly aware of the origin of the world and of it's

three peoples, but of all your knowledge of the fierce natural barriers

that separated the three civilisations of Jardenia for so long, you,

like the rest of your people, know very little of the lives that our

neighbours in the East and South live.\


Effectively all of the servants we Nelen employ to run our manors and

estates hail from the great Commune of the Jou in the east - you and

your brother know this. What you two have very little knowledge of is

the Gremano. The Gremanese do not so actively involve themselves in the

affairs of the Nelen because they are an entirely different race of

people in comparison to the Jousen or the Nelen.\


For thousands of years the Gremano have lived in poverty and repression

in one form or another. They are a deeply religious people, and every

Gremanese Matriarch since time can recall has become corrupt with power,

to the detriment of his subjects. Contrary to the Nelen, the Gremanese

were aware of other Jardenian civilisations for many centuries.

Explorers who defected from Nelen society to adventure the ferocious

forests to our south eventually stumbled upon the fringes of ancient

Gremanese societies and were taken in by curious peasants. The

exorbitant dress and fascinating trinkets given to the peasants by these

eccentric Nelen men signalled the Dukes and Lords of the land to act;

the notion of another, more prosperous and grand country challenged the

authority of their state, and so their peoples were repressed, so that

such thoughts would be stamped out.\


The paranoia of Gremanese Lords and Ladies about the existence of a

better civilisation than theirs led to giant cities being constructed

underground, where eventually all the peasants and serfs were hidden -

for the landed aristocracy feared so vehemently that if but a single

peasant became aware of a better land, they would face an uprising and

all die a grizzly death.\


For many years the Gremanese Dukes and Barons lived in luxury while the

vast majority of their subjects toiled underground for ore and jewels,

but our explorers persisted. To make a long story short my boy, the

peasants learned of the secret kept from them, and because of the crimes

committed against them, indeed overthrew their oppressors! However, this

rewarded the poor no form of liberation whatsoever, as an oppressive

leadership was reformed and forced millions of poor, sorry people into

hiding and hardship once more. And so for many years, the Gremano

remained hidden from the rest of Jardenia, and it was long after the

Nelen and Jousen were confederated that the Gremanese revealed

themselves. They did so because their Republic was crumbling from the

destruction that they self-inflicted through seemingly perpetual

uprisings and rebellions.\


We of course welcomed them with open arms, offering every kind of

assistance we could imagine, transporting diplomats and doctors and

engineers to their stricken land. We repaired their broken nation, but

the Gremano remained somewhat recluse - they hesitated to embrace the

friendship of the Nelen and the Jousen - but they did take great

interest in the business of the Jousen. They were absolutely fascinated

by the efficient and sustainable production and movement of goods the

Jou pursued, and their system they derived Houses. Not Houses in the

form that govern our beloved nation, Charlie.\


Gremanese Houses are like our prosperous business magnates. Gremanese

Houses concerned themselves with supplying the Jousen with resources and

services, boosting their already mighty ability to produce and transport

- and secured an agreement with the Jousen to recieve whatever surplus

their services achieved. These surpluses grew and grew, until the vast

majority of the Gremanese population was fed and mobilised to work by

the Jousen.\


This continued for many years, and for a time it seemed all of Jardenia

might live in complete peace and prosperity. However, it was not to be.

The Executive Nelenry of our parliament had been coordinating research

into the manipulation of nature's fundamental mechanics - more

specifically into the cause for life - through intensive studies on

plants and certain flora. The fruits of this endeavour were not totally

rewarding, but this did not mean Malasrionese science was not forwarded.

The scientists emerged from their studies with the ability to create

invisibly small animals that multiplied at astonishing rates when

exposed to the light of a sun.\


My poor Charlie, this is the cause for our war with the Gremanese. Last

year, these small animals escaped from our laboratories and began to

consume the grain crops of the Jousen. At the time, the cause for the

slow infection and irreparable destruction of our world's bread-bowl was

completely unknown by anyone. To the Gremanese, the cause appeared only

too clear. To Southern High Command, the Jousen were organising an

elaborate genocide, deliberately culling the the grain on which

Gremanese diets subsisted.

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