In Supportive Response to IdomRottning

For an anchor in a thread of great thoughts:

"Anti-Natalism" is one of several.

I find things in each to be grumpy about. Grumpy about things is different than respectful of trying to express a more comprehensive personal reaction to the forces at work.

I find myself reflecting on @idiomrottining's thinking.

In this particular case, I struggle with the extremes of Paul Ehrlich's thoughts on "carrying capacity", The "Limits to Growth" observations that project population as a quantitave value in a model, the bandwagon for "demographic growth", and any rational reality. Eugenics is a widely held panacea so long as "THEIR" spawn is protected and that goes from elites to fundamentalists of all stripes.

If "Carrying Capacity" is taken as a valid concept (no comment) then something that results in demographic reductions is inevitable. It is largely a question of how it is "framed" but the assumption that there is a "carrying capacity" seems to state that it is necessary for population to decline.

We can not discuss the trade-offs of quantitative declines in various "sectors" of the population would be made. That's both a "third rail" and a subject more contentious than Karl Marx's theories of economics IMHO.

In Supportive Response to IdomRottning was published on 2022-04-06