Music Log



Kinokoteikoku - ロンググッドバイ and フェイクワールドワンダーランド

Pretty nice dream pop, felt a bit shoegaze-adjacent at times. The melodies are really hooky and I like all the riffs that are spread throughout. ロンググッドバイ is probably my favorite of the two.


Grivo - Elude

Another good Grivo album. Pretty similar sound to the last one I listened to.

Burial - Untrue

Groovy, hypnotic, dark. Going to keep coming back to this one.


Grivo - Omit

Dark and heavy shoegaze. I like these guys.

A Blaze of Feather - Claire's Lane

I liked the album though I'm a bit disappointed that like half of it was released beforehand as singles. It's nice that A Blaze of Feather keep evolving their sound.

Lantlôs - Wildhund

Good and energetic. I may come back and check out more but lately I've been going through artists related to Holy Fawn first.

Midwife - Luminol

Kinda like a slightly more depressing Grouper.


Alcest - Spiritual Instinct

Just some good, dark metal. I think I want to check out more from these guys.

Puscifer - Existential Reckoning

Plenty of fun songs with an apocalyptic vibe.

Clown Core - Van

I've died and gone to heaven except it's not heaven it's a clown-infested fever dream hellscape. I don't know what I did wrong to deserve this Spotify recommendation.


Holy Fawn - Death Spells

Another interesting dark metal/shoegaze/post rock blend, though I liked this one more than Infinite Granite which was similar. There's a lot more variety here which I think results in a stronger album. Planning on listening to more from these guys.

Failure - Fantastic Planet

Grungier than I was expecting going in, but I find something oddly nostalgic in that. I had always assumed that A Perfect Circle's version of The Nurse Who Loved Me was the original so it was a nice surprise to discover the actual original on this album!

alt-J - The Dream

Pleasantly chill as anyone would have come to expect from alt-J. This album's certainly stronger than their previous so I'm happy for that.

And So I Watch You From Afar - Jettison

These guys are mixing it up a bit and have included a lot of orchestration in this album. It doesn't rock out quite as often as I would like, but it's definitely a nice listen regardless.


Deafheaven - Sunbather

Definitely heavier than Infinite Granite which I still like more. This wasn't bad but just wasn't really my thing.

Failure - Wild Type Droid

Really enjoyed this one. Completely hooked by the second track. Definitely going to keep listening to this album and this'll probably be one of the artists I do a deep dive into. I think I'll listen to Fantastic Planet next then go from there.


Deafheaven - Infinite Granite

Dreamy throughout and at times pretty heavy. Enjoyable album, I'll probably come back to it again. I've been looking for heavier stuff to get into so I may check out some of the band's other material as well.


acloudyskye - A Place Where Mountains Hide and Blood Rushing Like Current Through a Powerline

Discovered through Beat Saber modding. Both albums are fun listens and give a bit of variety but I think I like A Place Where Mountains Hide just a little more.

Keygen Church - ░█░█░░█░█░█░

A seriously unique blend of Master Boot Record style computer-generated metal and baroque/organ music. And yes, that really is the name of the album.


Wye Oak - Civilian, Cut All the Wires: 2009-2011, and The Louder I Call, the Faster It Runs

Heard about these guys through word of mouth and I'll definitely be listening to more of them.


Sungazer - Sungazer Vol. 1, Sungazer Vol. 2, and Threshold

Very fun listen. Electrojazz isn't too bad.


I haven't been great at keeping this up to date. But here's some new albums I've listened to over the past several weeks.


I was looking forward to this one and wasn't let down. Low continues to find creative ways to use distortion effects, but also manages to make each song more memorable than most of their songs from the last album Double Negative.

The Killers - Pressure Machine

It's been a while since I've listened to an album from these guys but I was pleasantly surprised. It's a new sound from them and I like it.

Ryley Walker - Deafman Glance and Golden Sings That Have Been Sung

Good chill fingerplucked guitar.

We Were Promised Jetpacks - Enjoy the View

Kind of typical indie rock. Not that that's a bad thing.

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