. . , . |__| _ . , -+- _ | _ *._ | |(_) \/\/ | (_) \__|(_)|[ ) Anyone* who enjoys writing is welcome to join Cosmic.Voyage. To do so you will need to choose a username for the system, and create an SSH pubkey to log in. This is a public access unix system, so you will be working in a command-line shell environment to interact with the system. Getting started instructions: For Linux Users: - open a terminal - generate a key using ssh-keygen (just accept all the defaults) - your secret key is the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa (don't share this!) - your public key is the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub - send the id_rsa.pub file to james [at] tomasino.org along with your desired username and a brief note about why you want to join the community. [email fingerprint 368CD75F5CD5F1E9A72F639F4E0FEB0E09DDD7DF] - when your account has been approved, connect using ssh and your user name, e.g. ssh asimov@cosmic.voyage For Mac Users: - use Command+Space to search for Terminal - generate a key using ssh-keygen (just accept all the defaults) - your secret key is the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa (don't share this!) - your public key is the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub - send the id_rsa.pub file to james [at] tomasino.org along with your desired username and a brief note about why you want to join the community. [email fingerprint 368CD75F5CD5F1E9A72F639F4E0FEB0E09DDD7DF] - when your account has been approved, connect using ssh and your user name, e.g. ssh asimov@cosmic.voyage For Windows Users: - download the latest version of PuTTY - use puttygen to generate a key - save private and public keys - send the public key to james [at] tomasino.org along with with your desired username and a brief note about why you want to join the community. [email fingerprint 368CD75F5CD5F1E9A72F639F4E0FEB0E09DDD7DF] - when your account has been approved, start pageant (this will put an icon of a computer wearing a hat into the System tray) - right click the icon and choose View