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2022-02-19 cgmnlm 1.3

cgmnlm release 1.3 has been flagged. It brings two 2 minor bugfixes and allows for custom bookmarks titles.

2022-02-06 capsule cert rotation

Gonz Metamatters on key rotation

I've been in the situation with a few days ago that the cert has been expired. I as well wanted to avoid trust warnings on clients and used the existing private key to create a new csr and cert, pretty much like its described on the page linked below. As far as i can tell it worked pretty straight forward and no one bothered me because of a cert warning. :)

TutorialsPoint WriteUp on certificate creation with OpenSSL

2022-01-16 Samsung Galaxy S9 + /e/ OS

Anyone out the using a Samsung Galaxy S9 (non-plus) with /e/ OS - also called Murena. If so i'm heavily interested in hearing about your experience so far. Please reach out to me - contect information below.

Galaxy S9 information @

2022-01-13 gaming

I may have registered for a Steam Deck finally...

2022-01-08 new year, old shit

The new year started like to old ended. I'm currently feeling pretty exhausted mentally, additionally a cold hit my wife and me for the last days.

So i did only some small maintenance of some of my projects.

I'd like to mention cgmnlm release 1.2 with a new command to search for backlinks to the current page.

shortlog archive 2021
