2022-03-2 | #weather #cgi
A few days ago, I launched Chilly Weather, a fun, streamlined Gemini weather service
⛄️ Chilly Weather: A Gemini weather service
Gemlog post announcing Chilly Weather
I also posted it to Station, where I got some tremendous feedback:
Station thread about Chilly Weather
I haven't been a big user of Station, but this really made me appreciate the value of a fast, Gemini-native social network where you can get quick responses to something. Thanks to ~justyb, ~bie, ~gnuserland, ~steve, ~samurai, ~smokey, ~november, ~comatoast and ~kelbot
Based on all their feedback, I made several improvements:
(and again, let me repeat, what a terrible, horrible monster you are for expressing human-range temperatures Celcius)
The search for the geolocation service (which converts a search like 'London' into a city/distinct/country and lon/lat) is fair. Building my search engine Kennedy taught me a lot about how you need to normalize and expand the input you get from a user when searching. It works, but I think its the weakest part of the service. Let me know if you have an problems or have an suggestions or feedback.