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swim : project management swim lanes

swim is a project/task management helper for your terminal. It organizes projects into "swim lanes". The lanes can contain "stories" that represent a task or subproject that needs to be done to complete the overall project. These subprojects can have titles, descriptions, assigned users, a point representation of their difficulty, a task list, and comments. Stories can be moved around within and between lanes to represent their current state in the project. A common layout for simple projects is to have three lanes: backlog, active, complete (which can be generated with `swim init`); but many other working models are possible.


the swim guide

Getting swim

swim source code (web)

the swim guide: download and build

If you are confident and don't need a guide:

git clone https://tildegit.org/sloum/swim && cd swim
sudo make install

The repo comes with a detailed readme and manpage that can walk you through just about anything you'd need to get started.


swim is a part of an informal collection of personal computing programs created by sloum. Other programs include:

chalk - a line based text editor

bombadillo - a smallnet client

nimf - a concatenative programming language

tally - spreadsheets with concatenative expressions

Calendar, Slides, Mail Client, Terminal Art, and Notes applications "coming soon".