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Anonymous · 5mo · No.595

Antivaxxers dying of COVID is fucking hilarious. Every time I see an article about some conservaturd who didn't take the vaccine biting the dust, it makes my day just a little bit better.


Anonymous · 5mo · No.689

My brother in law died of COVID before the vaccines were available. Contracted it from his son, who got it from a covidiot co-worker. I worry now about my parents, currently renting a room to a religious antivaxxer, and about my wife and the son we'll be having this April. My baby won't be able to be vaccinated, and pregnancy supresses the immune system, so... yeah, it would be great if they were only hurting themselves. But they're wrecking shit for everyone else as well. Look at the damage they've done this past year. I'd really love it if COVID only culled the antivaxxers, but that's not how all this works. We're still tied to their dead weight.

Anonymous · 5mo · No.690

Anyway, the "only kills the weak" bit is also clearly bullshit at this point. Of course you're going to have a worse time if your immune system is compromised somehow, but plenty of healthy twenty and thirty somethings have bit the dust as well because of this virus. My brother in law was healthy and exercised regularly before he got it, FFS. It's a bit luck and a bit a matter of how much you were exposed. And death aside, we also know now that severe cases can cause long-term impairment. People with long COVID are gonna have a real hard time in a so-called society that doesn't give a shit about supporting its members.

Anonymous · 5mo · No.691

@679 You are quite close to understanding Marx's arguments, but then you go off the rails with crazy, complicated schemes for committing genocide that fly in the face of all evidence. Under capitalism you don't need anything so complicated. What happens as full automation is neared, in the absence of socialist resistance, is capitalism morphs into fascism in order to continue putting private property above human lives. There won't be a fake vaccine or death ray or anything so cartoonish. We'll just mostly find ourselves unable to afford survival. This is a much more elegant solution that helps ensure only those capital doesn't need anymore are harmed.

Anonymous · 5mo · No.692

In fact, we've already got a massive "surplus population" problem when it comes to labor in the United States. The capitalist solution has just been a massive expansion of the prison system to the point where one out of every four prisoners on the planet is languishing in an American prison. Don't need to kill the surplus population when you can jail them and then make money from them by running private prisons!

Anonymous · 4mo · No.694

that marx shit is old, give me older.

Anonymous · 4mo · No.721

​>>694 Marx might be old buy his ideas are still relevant to this day which really is more of a testiment than anything.

Anonymous · 4mo · No.748

The vaccines don't work very well. They don't stop spread. Sometimes they fuck you up. They reduce chance of getting badly sick, but it seems like you're more likely to get hurt by the vaccine than helped if under 40.

So the continued totaliarian pushes to mandate and impose them, and suppress any alternatives, are pretty suspect. Some people have weird conspiracy theories, but it looks pretty straightforward to me: the mammy state can increase their power to micromanage your life, and pfizer can increase their profits, as long as the hysteria keeps going up.

It's been funny to watch how hard the left, even hardcore marxists, has been shilling for naked corporate interest past few years.

Anonymous · 4mo · No.751

​>>748 They literally don't fuck you up at all and they save lives you retard. Stop believing shit you read on 4chan. I have covid right now (I suspect omicron) and my vaccine is probably saving my life right now. You're a massive retard. Further more your incipent fears about the government are myopic and dumb.

Anonymous · 4mo · No.753

​>> 748

​> They don't stop spread.

They do reduce spread, as they do reduce your odds of getting it in the first place (as well as reduce your odds of taking someone's place in our packed hospitals). Even with omicron, which is currently the best at evading vaccine-trained immune responses, spread is reduced.

It's sad how credulous you lot are. Making bank for the crackpots and accusing anyone trusting what the research shows of shilling for corporations. "NaturalNews" isn't your friend.

Anonymous · 4mo · No.755

​>> 748 And your odds of getting "long COVID" as an unvaccinated person are much greater than you suffering any sort of harm from the vaccine, even as an under-40. Stop suckling whatever bullshit-dispensing teat you've been suckling and do your research, anon.

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