# I switched tooling from ffmpeg to ImageMagick. I really like the -distort # filters and colorspace modulations. Concept is the same as before, as for the # recent ffmpeg-based posts. Some initial image is created, then a filter is # applied repeatedly. $seed is only left here to be used in the filenames. for seed in $(seq -w 1 1) do INIT=' -size 200x800 xc:black ( -size 200x800 xc:red ) ( -size 200x800 xc:cyan ) ( -size 200x800 xc:magenta ) +append ( +clone -rotate 90 ) -append -resize 800x800! ' STEP=' -virtual-pixel tile -define distort:viewport=800x800+100+200 -filter Box ( +clone ( +clone -flip -distort DePolar +repage ) +append ( +clone -flop -modulate 200,200,200 -distort Polar +repage ) -append -distort Arc 90 +repage -roll 300x100 ) -compose plus -composite -flop -negate -define modulate:colorspace=HSL -modulate 90,200,150 ' FN=0120__${seed}__ convert $(echo ${INIT}) ${FN}01.jpg for prev act in $(seq -w 1 25 | sed p | sed 1d | sed '$d') do echo $act convert ${FN}$prev.jpg $(echo ${STEP}) ${FN}${act}.jpg done done