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Anonymous · 8mo · No.29

Opinions on the MNT Reform?

Anonymous · 8mo · No.31

https://www.crowdsupply.com/mnt/reform i had to look this up because i hadn't heard of it yet this is awesome. i haven't used a non-mac laptop in a very long time but i've become spoiled with the apple's trackpad experience. have linux support for trackpads improved? i remember cursor movement being jittery and gestures were not a thing


Anonymous · 8mo · No.32

It's a little too fat for me, but I'm glad to see more ARM machines out there with mainline Linux support.Someone should build a replacement ARM mainboard for the Framework laptop, with lots of cores and memory, and SystemReady (with secure boot). I'd buy it!

Anonymous · 8mo · No.33

re: trackpad, it mostly depends on the specific trackpad. I've had good ones and bad ones. Not sure the OS has much to do with it

Anonymous · 8mo · No.36

it's fat because it looks so good inside https://i.imgur.com/BpfLMSi.jpg look at those batteries and that heat sink


Anonymous · 8mo · No.37

I don't know how to describe it but this is the shape that a laptop should be. Almost reminds me of the oldschool IBM thinkpads

Anonymous · 8mo · No.38

makes me wonder if it's as heavy as one of those too though

Anonymous · 8mo · No.39

the diy framework laptop also has an easy breakdown and it's a lot thinner https://frame.work/laptop-diy-edition but i do agree @37 the mnt reform is what laptop should look like


Anonymous · 8mo · No.40

the GPU looks super weak compared to similarly priced laptops on the market



I'm having a hard time finding benchmarks for the cpu. It's a neat concept but I wonder if it's overpriced for what you're getting? In theory you could swap out for better parts if it's a custom build, but I'm not sure where you'd find parts compatible with the size of the case :\



Anonymous · 7mo · No.85

@39 I'm actually counting the fatness as a positive. Lots more room in the case for customization, modification, and growth in general. The Framework seems like it'd be a lot harder to do non-standard things to.

Anonymous · 7mo · No.88

@40 Yes, there's definitely a premium on it! It's a totally open source design serving a small market and produced by a team of three or four people out of Berlin. Small-run electronics are always going to be expensive relative to anything coming from a company that can profitably buy and manufacture things on a large scale. I'm interested in this laptop specifically because the whole thing seems to be open source, and I can accept paying a premium for that. Especially if the upgrade modules end up being cheap enough to make up for the extra cost over time.

Anonymous · 7mo · No.90

@88 that's fair enough, and it is neat to support small businesses. If the specs aren't great to begin with it does make me wonder how much bang you'll get for your buck compared to buying/hacking an old laptop though. I guess this would depend a lot on how the CPU performs

Anonymous · 7mo · No.131

@90 It doesn't compare favorably to fixing up an old Thinkpad on an economic basis, and the environmental case for it certainly has yet to be proven. I bought a 14-year old Core2Duo Thinkpad with the same amount of RAM and a CPU with about the same clock speed for a tenth of the price of a DIY Reform a few years back, flashed Libreboot to it, and did just fine with it as my primary box by favoring lightweight tools and the command line whenever possible. But I was always a bit uneasy about how much of the machine was still unknowable. The Reform does have a better GPU and two additional cores, but really the biggest win for me is the relative lack of dark, unknowable corners.

Anonymous · 7mo · No.132

@90 Supporting small business is also neat, of course, and I would like to see them succeed so I can see where they end up taking the concept. Even if they close their doors tomorrow, at least all the schematics are available. I could feasibly design and crowdfund my own SoM upgrade years from now if the extra cores and improved GPU get outpaced by software development practices.

Anonymous · 7mo · No.142

ah, that makes a lot of sense. It is pretty cool to see it on the market at all in any case!

Anonymous · 7mo · No.147

good article and overview on the framework https://pluralistic.net/2021/09/21/monica-byrne/#think-different

and a nice one on the reform https://mauromorales.com/2021/04/30/mnt-reform-2-diy-kit-review/



Anonymous · 7mo · No.151

@147 Thanks for the links. Noticed Mauro mentioned the speakers on the Reform being quiet. I believe the solution to that is to turn up the sound card's volume in alsamixer.

​=> https://community.mnt.re/t/speakers-too-quiet-try-this/375

Can't find his e-mail address to contact him directly about it, and I'm not on Web-based social media, so hopefully he figures it out. 🤷


Anonymous · 7mo · No.155

@151 he's got a github https://github.com/mauromorales and in his profile there is a contact email for him


Anonymous · 7mo · No.156

@155 Strange. I looked there before, and I've just looked again. I don't see anything resembling an e-mail address at https://github.com/mauromorales


Anonymous · 7mo · No.157

@156 it's there in the left side under the site link itself if you log into gh, but to post it here anyways it's:

contact at mauromorales.com

Anonymous · 7mo · No.160

Okay, maybe that's the trouble. I don't have a Github account and so wasn't logged in.

Anonymous · 7mo · No.161

@160 Thanks for the help!

Anonymous · 7mo · No.381


russian review about Mnt Reform 2


Anonymous · 6mo · No.509

i have one. it's a great hacking machine with a lot of potential, nice build and some little flaws like the quiet speakers. worth to buy and nothing for "normal users".

Anonymous · 6mo · No.510

want it, but it is too expensive

Anonymous · 6mo · No.511

@509 Do you have the volume on the sound card turned up in alsamixer? Made the difference between "unusable" and "good enough" for me.

Anonymous · 6mo · No.512

@511 yes. but my compairsion is a Macbook Pro and a Dell Latitude 12. The sound that comes out of the head phone jack also not so good in compairsion.

Anonymous · 6mo · No.513

@511 ... it's not i hifi-device. but it also dont want to be one. so its just a personal problem of me ;)

Anonymous · 6mo · No.514

Understood. Still, the platform's meant to be malleable enough to be made into whatever you like. If you're handy with a soldering iron, you could try replacing the capacitor on the headphone jack: https://community.mnt.re/t/speakers-too-quiet-try-this/375/3


Anonymous · 6mo · No.557



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