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Contact Friendly Computers

contactable for matters relating to this community co-operative during

business hours:

- Monday to Friday, 0900 HRS (9am) to 1700 HRS (5pm); Australian

Western Standard Time (AWST)

You may contact us through any one of the following methods:

- **Email**: friendlycomputers@riseup.net

- **Mobile Phone**: +61 424 677 719

Please bear in mind that if you choose to contact us by mobile phone,

we would greatly prefer it if you used SMS text message instead of a

phone call. We would much rather we *schedule* phone calls, so that we

can set aside dedicated time to discuss or debug an issue.

My reason for this is because:

- We attempt to practice good electronic hygiene by leaving our phones on

'Do Not Disturb' permanently, so that we are not distracted from work

or social engagements.

- SMS text messages allow us to have a permanent record of business

dealings for far less effort.

- Technical issues are much more easily solved in person, or through

virtual desktop connection, than on the phone. People sometimes

think it is more convenient to phone call for help, but it more

often leads to frustrating results.

If you *yourself* would much rather a phone call, we aare more than happy

to schedule one with you via email or text message.