Germination Systems Capsule Index.

Friendly Computers Capsule Index.

Contact Friendly Computers.

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CPU: PENTIUM 4 / 2.80 GHz / 512 KB L2 Cache / Bus Speed: 533 MHz.

Intel Spec Number: SL6PF.

Manufacture Process: 'Northwood'; 130 nm.

Release Date: Aug, 2002.

Addressing: 32-bit.

RAM: DDR1; 4 DIMMS / 2048 to 4096 MB.

Hard Disk: Western Digital; 200 GB.

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CPU: CELERON D 336 / 2.80 GHz / 256 KB L2 Cache / Bus Speed: 533 MHz.

Intel Spec Number: SL8H9.

Manufacture Process: 'Prescott-256'; 90 nm.

Release Date: Sept, 2004.

Addressing: 64-bit.

RAM: DDR2; 2 DIMMS / 2048 MB.

Hard Disk: Western Digital; 200 GB.

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CPU: CELERON D 331 / 2.67 GHz / 256 KB L2 Cache / Bus Speed: 533 MHz.

Intel Spec Number: SL7TV.

Manufacture Process: 'Prescott-256'; 90 nm.

Release Date: Sept, 2004.

Addressing: 64-bit.

RAM: DDR1; 2 DIMMS / 2048 MB.

Hard Disk: Western Digital; 200 GB.

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Friendly Computers is also able to construct custom computers for

you. We carry many CPUs, RAM modules, tower cases and power

supplies. Please consider the following estimates for parts we can

order in for you, to allow you to construct a computer to the

specifications of your liking:

CPUs (Average: ~AUD$30).

Socket LGA1156.

CPU: Intel i5-760 / 2.8 GHz (AUD$25).

(2 x on hand)

Intel Spec Number: SLBRP.

Manufacture Process: 'Lynnfield'; 45 nm.

Cores: 4.

Release Date: July, 2010.

Addressing: 64-bit.

CPU: Intel i5-650 / 3.2 GHz (AUD$20).

(2 x on hand)

Intel Spec Number: SLBTJ.

Manufacture Process: 'Clarkdale'; 32 nm.

Cores: 2.

Release Date: Jan, 2010.

Addressing: 64-bit.

CPU: Intel i5-750 / 2.67 GHz (AUD$25).

(1 x on hand)

Intel Spec Number: SLBLC.

Manufacture Process: 'Clarkdale'; 45 nm.

Cores: 4.

Release Date: Sept, 2009.

Addressing: 64-bit.

CPU: Intel i3-540 / 3.07 GHz (AUD$15).

(1 x on hand)

Intel Spec Number: SLBTD.

Manufacture Process: 'Clarkdale'; 32 nm.

Cores: 2.

Release Date: Jan, 2010.

Addressing: 64-bit.

Socket LGA1155.

CPU: Intel i5-3470 / 3.2 GHz (AUD$35).

(1 x on hand)

Intel Spec Number: SR0T8.

Manufacture Process: 'Ivy Bridge'; 22 nm.

Cores: 4.

Release Date: June, 2012.

Addressing: 64-bit.

CPU: Intel i5-3570 / 3.4 GHz (AUD$55).

(1 x on hand)

Intel Spec Number: SR0T7.

Manufacture Process: 'Ivy Bridge'; 22 nm.

Cores: 4.

Release Date: June, 2012.

Addressing: 64-bit.


LGA1156 (min. AUD$50).

LGA1155 (min AUD$40).

LGA775 (min AUD$32).





Hard Disks.

200 GB -> AUD$11.

250 GB -> AUD$15.

500 GB -> AUD$20.

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CPU -> Central Processor Unit.

DIMM -> Dual Inline Memory Module.

RAM -> Random Access Memory.