nikdoof - 2022-04-05 15:52:00
Thursday morning (2022/04/06) at around 07:00 UTC will be patched and rebooted. This is your friendly warning to save any open files you have running in tmux sessions.
After patching if you encounter any errors, drop a email to[1].
nikdoof - 2021-11-22 06:21:00
Wednesday morning (2021/11/24) at around 07:00 UTC will be patched and rebooted. This is your friendly warning to save any open files you have running in tmux sessions.
After patching if you encounter any errors, drop a email to[1].
nikdoof - 2021-10-09 07:45:00
Tomorrow morning (2021/10/10) at around 08:00 UTC will be patched and rebooted. This is your friendly warning to save any open files you have running in tmux sessions.
After patching if you encounter any errors, drop a email to[1].
nikdoof - 2021-06-28 21:47:00
After the introduction of subdomains for users it seems the application form broke, identifying everyone's IP as invalid. This is now resolved, if you've been previously rejected with the "IP No Bueno" error message then please try again.
nikdoof - 2021-06-17 12:31:00
Good news! User sites are now available at <username>, I know a few people have been asking for it.
Everything should be the same as the existing hosting, but if you find any issues just drop a mail to the sysops[1].