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/foo/ · Anonymous · 6d · No.1022

I think the problems with discussions devolving is that we've given so little to the people in terms of tools for discussion, a lot of discussion on the Internet is done in bad faith, and actual governance is nuanced more so than can be done in a single sitting, among other factors. Additionally, we cannot deny that many topics have been pushed into binary states. Either you are with us or you are aganist us. This binary state has been a slow gamification of politics, where things devolve to teams and media uses terms like "a win for…". The fix for this is complicated and not likely to happen overnight.

/img/ · Anonymous · 8d · No.1021

The right saying the left can't meme and then forcing this meme into existence always made me laugh.

/img/ · Anonymous · 8d · No.1020

new wojak

/foo/ · Anonymous · 15d · No.1019

​>>1018 It's more capitalsm and the infinite gneeration of profits driving people to act and do more and more insane things and behave more insainly than anything inherently wrong with humans in particular. We were basically fine all the awy up to modern capitalism and the industrial revolution. I do agree the "politics" is toxic as hell though and most people want to point fingers not figure out anything systemic.

/foo/ · Anonymous · 15d · No.1018

Cant stand politics. Its so common for discussions to devolve into everyone verbally pissing and shitting on every other person or party they disagree with or are told to hate by their preffered news outlets. The politically minded (and unhappily married) LOVE The Blame Game. "Its not my/ourrr fault its your/their fault! If only X stopped destroying our country!"

Maybe, just maybe, its not one person or parties fault the world as a whole is going to shit. perhaps we as a collective species are just intrisnically a bit fucked in the head, and almost every solution/ideology we come up with is a little fucked in its own special way. All this tribalistic primate-brain BS needs to stop or we're donezo.

/foo/ · Anonymous · 15d · No.1017


/foo/ · Anonymous · 15d · No.1016

mfw Lagrange

/img/ · Anonymous · 16d · No.1015

Café Malaga

/prog/ · Anonymous · 21d · No.1014

​>>1013 You dokt unserstand what the problem is with the whole internet? monoplization? Bloat? etc etf.

/prog/ · Anonymous · 22d · No.1013

i still don't understand what problem gemini solves...


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