Rape case roils Saudi legal system
By DONNA ABU-NASR, Associated Press Writer Tue Nov 21, 4:49 PM ET
AL-AWWAMIYA, Saudi Arabia - When the teenager went to the police a few months
ago to report she was gang-raped by seven men, she never imagined the judge
would punish her and that she would be sentenced to more lashes than one of
her alleged rapists received.
The story of the Girl of Qatif, as the alleged rape victim has been called by
the media here, has triggered a rare debate about Saudi Arabia's legal system,
in which judges have wide discretion in punishing a criminal, rules of evidence
are shaky and sometimes no defense lawyers are present.
The result, critics say, are sentences left to the whim of judges. These
include one in which a group of men got heavier sentences for harassing women
than the men in the Girl of Qatif rape case or three men who were convicted of
raping a boy. In another, a woman was ordered to divorce her husband against
her will based on a demand by her relatives.
In the case of the Girl of Qatif, she was sentenced to 90 lashes for being
alone in a car with a man to whom she was not married a crime in this
strictly segregated country at the time that she was allegedly attacked and
raped by a group of other men.
In the sleepy, Shiite village of al-Awwamiya on the outskirts of the eastern
city of Qatif, the 19-year-old is struggling to forget the spring night that
changed her life. An Associated Press reporter met her in a face-to-face
interview. She spoke on condition of anonymity to protect her privacy; the AP
does not identify rape victims unless they ask to be named.
Her hands tremble, her dark brown eyes are lifeless. Her sleep is interrupted
by a replay of the events, which she describes in a barely audible whisper.
That night, she said, she had left home to retrieve her picture from a male
high school student she used to know. She had just been married but had not
moved in with her husband and did not want her picture to remain with the
While the woman was in the car with the student, she said, two men intercepted
them, got into the vehicle and drove the couple to a secluded area where the
two were separated. She said she was raped by seven men, three of whom also
allegedly raped her friend.
In a trial that ended in November in which the prosecutor asked for the death
penalty for the seven men four of the men received between one and five years
in prison plus 80 to 1,000 lashes, said the woman. Three others are awaiting
sentencing. Neither the defendants nor the plaintiffs retained lawyers, as is
common here.
"The big shock came when the judge sentenced me and the man to 90 lashes each,"
said the woman. The sentence was handed down as part of the rape trial. Lashes
are usually spread over several days, dealt around 50 at a time.
The sentences have yet to be carried out, but the punishments ordered have
caused an uproar.
"Because I could make no sense (of the sentence) and became in dire need of
patience, I muttered after I read the verdict against the Girl of Qatif: 'My
heart is with you,'" wrote Fatima al-Faqeeh in a column in Al-Watan newspaper.
Justice in Saudi Arabia is administered by a system of religious courts
according to the kingdom's strict interpretation of Islamic Sharia law. Judges
appointed by the king on the recommendation of the Supreme Judicial Council
have complete discretion to set sentences, except in cases where Sharia
outlines a punishment, such as capital crimes.
That means no two judges would likely hand down the same verdict for similar
crimes. A rapist, for instance, could receive anywhere from a light or no
sentence to death, depending on the judge.
Saudis are urging the Justice Ministry to clarify the logic behind some
rulings. In one recent case, three men convicted of raping a 12-year-old boy
received sentences of between one and two years in prison and 300 lashes each.
In contrast, another judge sentenced at least four men to between six and 12
years imprisonment for fondling women in a tunnel in Riyadh.
Saleh al-Shehy, a columnist for Al-Watan, asked Justice Minister Abdullah
Al-Sheik to explain why the boy's rapists got a lighter sentence than the men
in last year's sexual harassment case.
"I won't ask you my brother, the minister, if you find the ruling satisfactory
or not," wrote al-Shehy. "I will ask you, 'Do you think it satisfies God?"
"Please explain to us how one judge ruled and how the other ruled? What
evidence did the one rely on and what proof did the other use?" he added.
The broad discretion judges enjoy have been a disaster for Fatima, another
Saudi woman. She suddenly found herself divorced from her husband, Mansour
al-Timani, after her half-brothers went to a judge and told him their sister
had married beneath her.
Fatima, whose full name has not been given in media reports, had been married
for over three years and was pregnant with her second child when the judge
declared the marriage void in July 2005.
Today, Fatima sits in jail with her 11-month-old son her 4-year-old daughter
was recently freed rather than return to the custody of her family as the
judge decreed.
The problems over sentencing are exacerbated by loose trial rules, in which
physical evidence sometimes is not presented.
The Girl of Qatif said her trial had two sessions. The three trial judges asked
for her statement, then heard the statement from the seven defendants in the
first court session, according to the woman. In the second, about a month
later, the judges pronounced their verdict. It was not known if there were
other sessions she did not attend.
Judges in the case referred The Associated Press to the Justice Ministry when
asked about the sentencing. The ministry, in a statement Tuesday, said rape
could not be proved. There were no witnesses and the men had recanted
confessions they made during interrogation, the statement said. It said the
verdict cannot be appealed.
Sharia allows defendants to deny signed confessions, according to Abdul-Aziz
al-Gassem, a lawyer who was not involved in the case. They still get punished
if convicted, but the verdict is lighter.
"The lack of transparency in the investigation, the trial and the sentencing,
plus the difficulties that journalists have to get access lead to deep a
darkness where everything is possible," said al-Gassem.