Tell-all TV riles India's politicians

By Jyotsna Singh

BBC News, Delhi

Have you ever had an affair with a married man? Have you ever enjoyed watching

a male stripper take off his clothes at a party? Have you ever had surgery to

physically enhance your appearance?

These are just some of the questions on a popular TV talk show that have raised

the hackles of politicians in India.

They have held animated debates in parliament, arguing whether the Indian

version of the hit American show Moment of Truth threatens India's "moral and

cultural values".

The show, called Sach Ka Saamna (Face the Truth), was first aired two weeks

ago, and is already one of the most-watched programmes on Indian television.

Some say it is possibly the most-watched show in the crowded market of reality


But many of India's politicians are much less enamoured with the show, which

goads the participants to answer uncomfortably personal and sometimes

embarrassing questions, in return for prize money.

The idea of discussing intimate personal details in public is completely new to

Indians. Little surprise then, that the show has become a huge talking point.

Over the last few days, the issue has consistently come up for debate in the

national parliament.

The MPs said those taking part in the show were being asked "obscene questions"

about their personal lives in front of their families.

Statutory warning

The former deputy speaker of the upper house of parliament, Najma Heptullah,

told the BBC that the series must be taken off air at once.

"What purpose are we serving with this programme?" she asks.

"If someone has cheated on his wife, why doesn't he go and tell his wife? Why

does he need to do that in public?

"If a girl decides to become pregnant as a minor, it is her problem! Why should

that be said in public?"

I would just like to say that not everyone has the courage to come and face

the truth in front of the world, even if the lure is money or publicity

Show host Rajeev Khandelwal

Those supporting the show, which is broadcast at 2230 on the Star Plus channel,

argue that it is on air well past primetime, and carries a statutory warning.

The viewers, they say, can always simply turn it off.

But politicians like Mrs Heptullah argue there is no escaping it.

"Blaring promotions for the programme are run across various channels

throughout the day and night," she says.

Mrs Heptullah is convinced the show is all about making big money and boosting

television ratings.


The host of the show, Rajeev Khandelwal, disagrees. On his blog he writes: "I

would just like to say that not everyone has the courage to come and face the

truth in front of the world, even if the lure is money or publicity.

I think the series should be stopped, because it talks about people's private

and personal lives too much

Jyotsna Chowdhary

"To reveal the truth about one's personal life is not easy. It hurts when

people debate about the questions in the show related to their sexual lives,

and ignore all the other questions which revolve around more sensitive aspects

of one's life.

"Are people voyeuristic or the contestants brazen? I leave it on your sensible

minds to ponder over it."

Mr Khandelwal says the contestants who have spoken about their relationships on

the programme have told him that their relationships have deepened and become

more meaningful.

'Ban it'

But opinions on Delhi's streets about whether to ban the programme are divided.

"If somebody wants to speak out, and the public gets to know about it, what is

wrong with that?" says a banker, Sahil.

"I think the series should be stopped, because it talks about people's private

and personal lives too much," a young student, Jyotsna Chowdhary, told the BBC.

Meanwhile, the government has sought an explanation from the television channel

broadcasting the reality show.

The opposition has called for stronger regulation of broadcasters.

The controversy has sparked a new debate about government intervention in the


All Indian TV channels are bound by a programming and advertising code, which

analysts say is open to both harsh and lenient interpretations.

The federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Ambika Soni, told

parliament: "I am a woman, a mother and a grandmother, and I am concerned about

the issues, as all members are, and to see that the values we grew up with do

not get eroded".

But she added that there was strong sensitivity in the media against government

control, and the government was evolving a consensus that could lead to the

formation of an independent regulator.

Censorship fears

There are many in the media, as well ordinary people, who say the MPs need to

focus more on the pressing issues of the country's social and economic

development, rather dwelling so much on the morality of TV shows.

Meanwhile, many experts say any move to gag the media must be resisted, even

though there may be a need to take a look at TV shows that are beginning to

test the boundaries of good taste.

Analyst Shailaja Bajpai wrote in the Indian Express newspaper: "No-one was in

the least bit surprised when MPs raised questions about Sach Ka Saamna.

"The fact that the furore has given the show more free publicity than it could

have paid for (or deserved), is the only tangible result they have to show for

their questions.

"Will our dreams and innermost desires, which we may or may not act upon, be

censored too?"