Samsung says it will overtake Nokia

By Wireless Watch

Posted: 28/11/2003 at 17:47 GMT

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Samsung's CEO, Lee Kunhee, claims his company will be the world's largest

mobile phone supplier by 2010, overtaking Nokia.

Kunhee said that Samsung will outperform its own sales targets this year by

2.5m units and will generate $25bn a year from handsets by 2010.

The company believes it can take advantage of close relationships with

operators in the most advanced mobile markets, including its own South Korea,

and of the backlash of some large operators, notably Vodafone, against the

dominance of Nokia.

Vodafone is to work with Samsung and Sharp for its 3G launch. Samsung's market

share has risen from 9.8 per cent last year to 11.2 per cent for the first nine

months of 2003, but this is still well behind Nokia's 34 per cent, which it

aims to boost to 40 per cent in the next few months on the back of a raft of

new launches.