Lester's Biased Courier Report!@ Well Since these bastards aren't doing NWR I'll just release my little shit for you folks. Well here it is kids, my little tribute to JJ's biased utils report from INQ. and of course it's biased because how could I be objective when I run Dimension, I hate Risc, and I'm fathering Xtremist's child? I can't, so I'll be biased and make fun of everyone..:) Enjoy, and remember dont get so upset, it's fun to make fun of yourself. So the format is like this, I'll review each group, and then I'll point out some interesting things from the week and whatever else I feel like saying. Rating System is whatever I feel like making it..:) Dimension: Another Pretty weak week, except for the mass CLS releases that our buddy Juice upped. And the consistancy of Stix/Tdpriest, though we did see a couple guys pop back up again, maybe DMS will get it's shit together(I guess I should know huh?) Overall: Underachieving Devotion: Not much from Garoto this week, but Allanon/Dragoth kept their end up as usual. Still nothing from the rest of the crew though, mad props to the chief Nailbomb though..:P Overall: Underachieving Risc: Hrm, for some reason Morbid went back to risc, he will not tell me why, so I will assume that he is getting sex0red. Anyhow, still not alot happening here, some Bizzy pre's, Fain/Morbid popping up, but at least with Morbid back they do have 1 good trader. Overall: How the mighty have fallen. Millenium: Well, I was going to comment on how well they are doing, until this little thing with Mossyoak happened, he claims it was just hotkey's but that's a bunch of shit, even with hotkey's you still have to press the button and notice what dir it is, you wouldn't make that dir everywhere, it's too obvious. We still see Dual though, who r0x0rs, and Psyber/Red Obelisk/etc...but I am wary of Psyber because of the pftp history. old habits die hard Overall: Cheating Still, and Union is on crack. Vengeance: Well well, without Xtremist they are nowhere to be found, bum deal. Overall: Dust in the wind Atomic-X: things have kinda settled down for A-X again, unfortunately not able to keep up the pace they had a few weeks ago. Overall: Even Vice: Well, looks like trouble for Vice, Bandido quit, Machv quit(good thing) and we may see some turmoil further down the road. I was going to rip on Vice for Machv's actions, but since he quit there is really no point. Overall: Time Will Tell. Weekly Shiat: Got into a few cool fights, one with Machv, and 1 with Union, I'll pass on the machv one since he quit Vice. But the union shit is getting old too. I'll just say that Union has no clue what he is talking about by accusing DMS of everything that goes wrong in the scene, Which is why I give Nailbomb the props earlier for standing up for DMS as Devotion's spokesperson. So we also saw Mossyoak get caught cheating, though he swears it wasn't cheating, even some MNM members admitted to me they think he does use something. So that is unfortunate, the man who yelled the loudest at cheaters, has turned to the darkside. I expect to hear from him and his lackey Union after this report, but like I said, lighten up and dont do stupid things and I wont have anything to say. Oh, there's the contest on TMS which should be fun, some teams consist of some very tough competition, ie. stix/darkman/garoto, and others are made up solely of pftp'ers and restarters..i wont name names,(like i really have to right?) but it should be kinda fun anyways. Oh btw, since Union seems to think everyone hates this report, do me a favor and either msg me or email me 1 line comments about the report, I'll put the best ones in next week, negativeor positive. Latah Well by request of alot of ppl, I am including a final tip about Mad, who has been removed from at least 3 sites to my knowledge for using pftp. <^Ideafix^> mad pftp's <[dee]> he uses it for pres thats all And Also, the thoughts of an Ambition member on Ambition: <K_LeCTeR> haah <K_LeCTeR> welp <K_LeCTeR> i dunno much about em <K_LeCTeR> except they some real good idlers :)