< Trying out this new cool feature of adding the css yourself


Attempting to access my homepage or the the theme.css file sends back either a blank page or a 404. Figured it may have had something to do with the fact that I’m doing these things from my iPhone; but it sounds like this may just be a bug or aspect of the site that’s srill under development?

Allowing access to redesign the site UI and for building our own homepages and pages within zones throughout the bar is such a great concept, so I’m exciting to see how everything works, once the kinks are smoothed out.

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~m15o wrote:

So glad to hear you say that overproof! You should be able to see your pages and create some at https://midnight.pub/user-pages?user=overproof -- there might be some bugs here and there, don't hesitate to let me know if you find any!