< the merits of a bookshelf



> Oh, puhleeeez! Just show 'em your huge.. body of Midnight Pub work

Haha yes, but then I'd have to give up my alias for real-life fame and fortune, and no doubt it would go to my head and I would lose my privacy with paparazzi constantly outside of my window.

> I  finally deleted the "Kindle" app off my phone the other day after clicking on it and 
> noting what looked like a ton of happy horse shit of trying to remember userid, 
> password, resetting either or both, and the usual cloud "convenience" yadda yadda.

'mazon and 'oogle are shady as hell when it comes to these apps. I just use whatever e-reader app is in the F-droid store, usually LibreRead.

> Maybe I'll even chance upon the actual Kindle device itself someday... but hardly a 
> biggie if not. It'll need to be recharged, I'll have to learn the UI all over again, etc. And 
> it'll no doubt present much screen heartache and/or misery for not being able to 
> connect to Amazon again, for needing to update itself, and all manner of other non-
> reading.

So there are some very nice projects that use the existing linux infrastructure within kindle, and repurpose it for other things, like retrieving web-page images every hour or so: https://github.com/pascalw/kindle-dash

> Couldn't tell for sure if you were being facetious, there, but oddly enough I suspect 
> getting lost in actually reading probably cures such appearances-sakes-centric concern.

when you're reading an ebook on the train, you look like everybody else mindlessly staring at their phone ;-)

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

> Haha yes, but then I'd have to give up my alias
> forreal-life fame and fortune, and no doubt it
> would goto my head and I would lose my privacy with
> paparazziconstantly outside of my window.

No one ever said lying face down in a pool of text at the Midnight Pub would be easy.... :-)

> So there are some very nice projects
> thatuse the existing linux infrastructure
> withinkindle, and repurpose it for other things,
> likeretrieving web-page images every hour or
> so:https://github.com/pascalw/kindle-dash

I *knew* there had to be purposes for it beyond keeping the bottom of my coffee cup comfy!

> when you're reading an ebook on the train, you
> looklike everybody else mindlessly staring at
> theirphone ;-)

Brings the "All the lonely people, where do they all come from?" lyrics to mind.