< Education during Covid



It gets worse with things like git.

IT says all research data must be secured in OneDrive... but onedrive doesn't cope with filenames beginning with . (like the .git folder) or the millions of files in it. It also borks the permissions, so we have to enable a bunch of options to comply. We're not allowed to use github or an external forge (its not secure in onedrive they say)... we're not allowed to host and secure our own. So what are you gonna do? Half the groups put it on github anyway... a few more run there own servers but hide them from IT. Utterly insane. If it was confidential, dangerous, or private data id be okay with it but half the time its open access research for crissake!

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~pseudoriemann wrote (thread):

What! Who comes up with rules like that where everyone loses except for billionaires abroad? Now I'm almost (but not quite) glad my plans to study in the UK didn't pan out haha. I hope the push back succeeds and reason wins in the end.