< Ask the Midnight: What are you up to?


Uh, lots of busy folks? Good on you! I managed to get alpinelinux and openBSD running on a small machine. I even learned how to run a gemini server without the TLS part, and get the latter as a service from nginx. Quite nice! I managed to compile emacs from source and toy with a straight based configuration, which must be offline-proof. That includes full offline email with mu4e and offlineimap (note to ploum). I had somehow managed to trigger "phoning home" at every start. No, thanks. And yesterday I have started to understand more details of this RISC-V machine I do have (Sifive unmatched). Lots to learn about boot loaders. Goal: get Debian running, and alpine, and maybe something like Genode/SculptOS (stretch goal, clearly). In real life I give a weekly Linux class, and I try to keep a small sports club afloat. Not exactly a project, but a time sink nonetheless. Look Ma! No computers!


/me nips at my hot chocolate

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~edisondotme wrote (thread):

Isn't TLS a *requirement* for Gemini?

What's your Linux class like, that sounds interesting.