9 PM. Having a Dr Pepper from the wretched vending machine that loves to eat my money, lol! Enjoying the cool breeze coming in through the sliding glass door.
But virtually, I am in the Lounge. Patron-watching, as usual. I notice a coffee table with magazines upon it. I'm not too interested in seeing what's on offer, but maybe some other patrons can suggest some good (digital) magazines to check out the next time they are in the area? Like a virtual (even metaphorical, perhaps?) stack of independent publications that are avail to the wEiRd UnDeRgRoUnD of the WWW.
I don't want people to go "promoting" XYZ thing, but for those who are interested, I used to read (pre-COVID) a physical magazine called "Offscreen" way back yonder. They have a digital version (sorta) called Dense Discovery, and it is all very tech-related and whatnot.
Speaking of odd, one-off, "underground" magazines - has anyone ever seen a (physical) issue of Blacklisted 411? I remember picking up a couple copies back in 2004 from a local Barnes & Noble (or was it Borders?) and it dealt with all kinds of tech-related stuff, too. Cool magazine. I think the creator of it got sued into oblivion for making it, though, and it is now long gone.
Anyway, just stopping in to say "hello". :)
I'm definitely down to start our own magazine!
Sorry for hogging the Playblog, but you can use.. I mean *have* it when I'm done with it. It's got a pretty hot centertold this month.... :-)