The biggest writing mistakes new graduates make

New to the work world? Employers say university graduates get these simple

things wrong a lot. Don t learn the hard way, read this instead.

By Anh Nguyen

16 September 2015

The job market for new university graduates might be improving, but employers

say there are two crucial skills 2015 US grads sorely lack and they both

involve something core to almost any workday: writing.

Companies prioritise clear and direct communication and say it is a vital

indicator for quality of work.

According to research done by the Society of Human Resources Management, new

graduates written communication skills leave a lot to be desired, from their

CVs and cover letters to their work reports and presentations. Writing well is

a make-or-break skill that can get you noticed. Writing poorly draws attention

too, but for all the wrong reasons.

Where are new graduates going wrong and how can you avoid these

all-too-common mistakes?

To be clear

Expressing themselves clearly is tough for young employees. Yet most companies

prioritise clear and direct communication and say it is a vital indicator for

quality of work.

That might be obvious in consulting, marketing or other word-heavy careers. Yet

it s just as central in less-obvious professions. The theatre world, for


Lindsey Buller Maliekel, who manages the apprentice programme at New York s New

Victory Theater, said clear writing is integral to the work on stage , too.

Good performers must be able to project their message or act to audiences from

diverse backgrounds, and clear writing points to this skill, she said.

Social media use has hurt college grads ability to communicate professionally.

When it comes to accounting, numbers matter but so does the ability to explain

them. Rod Adams, recruiting leader of Pricewaterhouse Coopers in the US, said

it is a misconception that accountants don t need to write well. For instance,

it is important to communicate clearly and with authenticity. That not only

gets your messages across, but also helps you connect and convince other people

, wrote Adams in an email.

Millennial symptom

Social media is increasingly creating new work opportunities for college

graduates. Studies done by management consulting company Accenture show that

social networking is now considered the most effective method of finding a job

for 27% of 2015 graduates, beating out other means such as word of mouth (15%)

and electronic job boards (14%).

But social media use has damaged college graduates' ability to communicate

professionally. According to Phil Gardner, director of the College Employment

Research Institute at Michigan State University in the US, social media-style

communication lends itself to short, unsupported writing and typically ignores

professional writing etiquette. Even if the interactions between employers and

job seekers are changing thanks to social media, there are still protocols that

university graduates must remember while connecting with employers, and they

often don t have the practice.

Getting the message across

How do you become more authentic when you're presenting yourself to prospective

employers? Experts recommend knowing and telling your story.

For most, writing at the workplace is a continuous learning process.

PwC s Adams warns against reciting your CV or resume, especially in an

interview. It s better to tell a story about [yourself], [your] passions,

experience and results , to show how well you will communicate with team

members, managers and clients on the job.

Learning process

There is, however, only so much new graduates can do to improve their writing

before their first job. For most, understanding how to develop your writing

skills at work is a continuous learning process, with improvement accumulated

from experience. Still, university students can, and should, familiarise

themselves with professional writing by doing internships or job shadowing,

Gardner suggested.

Katherine LaVelle, managing director of Talent & Organization at Accenture

Strategy in the US, believes companies should invest more in learning and

development, especially in fundamental skills such as writing, in order to

train a more competitive and competent workforce.

Doing so will not only help organisations attract and retain top talent, but

ensure they can develop relevant skills among their workforce to be

competitive, she said.