ICON 43 Retrospective

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Every year I look forward to ICON[1]. This year was a good year, with some ups and down.

1: http://iowa-icon.com/

Previous ICON Retrospectives





Apparently I haven't done ICON 41 or 42. Not sure why, but that's life.


On Thursday, I joined the authors at the Barnes and Nobel signing. That was fun, though a bit smaller this year than the last few ones. I got a chance to chat with a bunch of authors and a few fans.

They didn't have my books due to a remarkable series of shipping difficulties in my life. Even though they ordered with plenty of time, the printer couldn't get them to me in time so I had to do consignment (which was actually a better deal in terms of percentages).

I really talking to people, did you know that? It's going to be a common theme for the entire weekend.

There was a little more drama so I got to play money courier for a day to deliver an envelope with secrets (cash) to another author on Friday.


Friday continued my difficulties with shipping when a counter book stand didn't show up. According to Fedex, it was delivered on Wednesday. I wouldn't find out until today (Tuesday) that our dog was in the driveway so they just abandoned it. So far, Amazon and Fedex still can't find it so there is a “trace” going on. That was a bummer because I really could have used it.

As usual, everyone at work wanted to ask me questions so I almost didn't make it on time. I managed to get everything set up with three minutes to spare (better than being an hour late from the year before). I had a great time chatting with some of the other vendors. I was opposite of Alban Lake[2], next to a couple others.

2: https://www.albanlakepublishing.com/

At the tail end, Cassie Leigh[3] showed up in the first of many pinup outfits (check her out and vote for her if you see her in a contest). She had these adorable faux blow-up shoes.

3: https://www.cassieleighauthor.com/

I got to play Portal 2 in the gaming room with Cassie's offspring. It was also my first time playing on an Xbox 360 (so tiny controllers). I had a lot of fun, more so since I recognized one of the puzzles from watching a trailer from the first game before it came out and knew exactly how to solve it.

The opening ceremonies were enjoyable as usual.

I managed to lock my keys in the vendor hall. When I went to go home, I couldn't get to them so I started walking home until my spouse picked me up. They were annoyed because my formerly broken ankle, walking for a long distance hurts. Plus it was raining. And I didn't have my coat.

I did remember that I did the same thing last year, so I'm going to tape a “do not put your keys here” on the bottom of my raffle box.


Saturday was pretty busy. Mostly I was there as a vendor, but I had a chance to wander around a little too.

I was on two panels: Creating Distinctive Characters and RPG Mechanics in Writing. I didn't have a panelist for the latter and my material sputtered out at the forty minute mark. I had ten minute of talking about running RPG games to fill in the space. Overall, not my worst panel but not my best.

Shannon Ryan[4] and their spouse joined us at the table as did my spouse in an adorable Harley Quinn outfit. We had fun talking and I got invited to chat with the Paradise Icon[5] folks. They are a lot of fun to chat with and we went to their two readings after that.

4: http://weirdauthor.com/

5: https://mindbridge.org/paradise-icon/

Spouse and I did wander into a thirteen person Cards Against Humanity. That was a lot of fun. Everyone laughed, I didn't know most of them. It was a blast.


For me, Sundays at ICON starts with the benefactor's brunch. I had a lot of deja vecu through most of it but… that's expected.

After that, a reading with Alexandra Pen[6]. Both of us have similiar themes in our writing but approach it in very different ways. I read the second chapter of Flight of the Scions[7].

6: https://www.alexandrapenn.com/blog/

7: https://fedran.com/flight-of-the-scions/

Beyond that, lots of talking, chatting, and having fun. I ended with a long conversation with some friends before I had to head home and rejoin Mundania.


On the Broken Typewriter Press[8] side of the convention, it was a disaster. We didn't have that many new books and this is a convention we've sold for a lot of years. I wished I could have gotten Second-Hand Dresses out but… I couldn't and be responsible. So, not a lot of sales. Overall, I ended up a couple hundred in the hole this year.

8: https://typewriter.press/

Looking around the vendor hall, it looked like there was a general lack of spending. I guess that a lot of people are worried about the economy. I know I was, which meant I couldn't do my usual “author groupie” thing and buying every new book by an author who shows up.


As an attendee, ICON was a blast because I like interacting with people. The more I talk, the more energy I have. It was also small groups and one-on-ones, which is my comfort zone.

The other aspect of conventions is that review of everything I said where I berate myself for saying stupid things. Most of the time, this weekend was just stress leaking out. I felt “off” most of the convention.

As I've mentioned on this blog before, I try really hard to keep “happy” or only talk about positive things. This weekend, I failed a couple of times and feel really guilty about it. But I didn't seem to bum anyone out, so “win.”

I also had a strange identity crisis, which is really strange since I thought I resolved most of those years ago.

Overall, I always get down after conventions (no more people to interact with). That's expected and plannable.


I'm going to see if I can get into the erotic reading next year. I think Second-Hand Dresses[9] would be perfect.

9: https://fedran.com/second-hand-dresses/

I'm also hoping to have a little better planning for the convention so I don't feel off. Getting into more author readings and panels might help but there is also the balance of being a vendor for Typewriter verses attending. Those two are contrary at time but I also feel that I'm representing others.

I'm also hoping that the shelving unit shows up and I have enough books that my master plan will start to be visible.

I have some more plans for patrons[10] because this is the fifth year running where I get less than $10/month. For some reason, this really bothered me.

10: https://fedran.com/patrons/

For all the negative, there was far more positive. I can't wait to go back next year.









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