==Phrack Magazine== Volume Five, Issue Forty-Five, File 3 of 28 **************************************************************************** Phrack Loopback Part II How sad the state of affairs is. Companies do _not_ care about security. My father would be the last one to think about ways into the "systems" that are out there. We had a good talk tonite about the lack of security in the corporate world. I told him about PGP public key encryption software, and it's political gibberish etc. Then he hits me with this outstanding story of the stupidity displayed at his credit union (AEA, yes he works in the silicon valley). He went to get some $$ at the branch office near his work, and he notices they have upgraded their computer systems. It was apparent that it was no 'internal' updating of the tellers' equipment, but a major overhaul of the entire structure at AEA credit union. This was obvious when every teller was reading manuals as they helped customers. The greatest part of his story (which made him laugh out loud) was that on the tellers' computer screens were taped up pieces of paper detailing how to access the computers at AEA. As the teller was in the back room, my dad leaned over and saw what it was, and memorized the things. Its the things like that which make me want to trust my money to fabulous behemoths like credit unions. [That's typical. You should have gone straight to that bank and taken notes. You never know...you could have ended up with SWIFT access. Let's face it, if the BND's Project Rahab can, so can we.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TO: The Hack/Phreak Community From: Amitech USA Subject: Explaining About What Amitech USA IS! Amitech is a group that teaches and learns... What I mean by this is The Hack/Phreak community should teach the inexperienced more than put them down, especially if they want to learn but no one is willing to teach them.. This is were we come in... The definition of Hacking is learning the holes in different telephone equipment and different computer equipment. People these days don't use there knowledge correctly... They abuse what they get and sometimes even harass people because of hatred and reasons of revenge.. The H/P community isn't about this... We are releasing this to invite anyone in the H/P community with a lot or little experience to join us, to learn and to teach us.. Amitech USA does not condone any board crashing, harassing, Underground Board password stealing etc. We will not be responsible or accept anyone who condones such activity.... Amitech has two levels of members.. 1. Trial members 2. Regular members. The trial members are on a basis of two weeks which in such time they have to show us that they are willing to learn and is not into the group just to use the groups name in there signature. Members decide who is acceptable for a group and who is not. Each member will get the users application except their real name and phone #. We will decide and will contact you within a week of when the application comes to me... We are going to be mostly underground for the simple fact that the group does not need recognition. Are members may stand out but for the most part we will not be shown and or do not want to be shown for the simple fact that underground is better for the newer user as will as the older users. Please send all applications to Either burntkid@spiff.gnu.ai.mit.edu or The Crime Scene 516-873-8903...Anyone who wants information may send a message. Anyone interested in joining please fill out the application below. First Name: Handle: Phone #: How many years experience: Specialties: Boards you're on: Email/Internet: Please Spread This Message Around... [Good luck with your group. And remember, when you're a group, you're subject to prosecution under RICO. God Bless America.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Phrack: I know you guys take an interest in what happens at 2600 meetings, so I thought you might like to hear about a mainstay of the Washington D.C. meeting. BTW, I am also submitting to 2600. (They should have a PGP key) ------ Cut ---- For the past few meetings a guy from MCI has showed up. He works at some sort of Pentagon City mall branch of MCI and on the Fridays he sticks around and gets drunk. He is usually a great source of entertainment and this time he was undoubtedly the best part of the 2600 meeting. That was the highest form of entertainment (except for the threats on The Monk's life). At a meeting before this he was saying (I'm not sure how many beers he had had) how he was going to bomb (physically) all the hackers computers by using the system batteries. And he also said something like "We didn't have time for this kind of stuff in Vietnam." Anyway, I was listening to his drunken ramblings and I was thinking "I should be writing his wisdom down." So I did, and Maverick later started to type it down. The hardest part of all of this was not laughing in his face. Here is where I started the notes: MCI Guy: I mean it's really small, it's only like 1 microliter long. Vance: Yeah, that's pretty short. MCI Guy: I work on computers and they go in nanoseconds. Vance: Nanoseconds are really short. MCI Guy: A nanosecond is about this long. < Denotes with his fingers a length of about 6 inches > Vance: That's great if you can visualize it. MCI Guy: Yeah, it's short. Most of the instructions that I do take less than 3 nanoseconds, and that's short. But it's still too slow. --- Ok, from here it somehow jumped to a discussion of Rebel Lion's modem that was sitting out: MCI Guy: That's a good modem, it has memory because of it's external capacitance. The capacitor can store the memory since it's outside. Vance: Yeah, it must have a lot of memory. How much would you say? MCI Guy: A lot, gigabytes of it. The computer can talk directly to it. Vance: You need software to access that, that's where the intelligence is, in 2 gigabyte capacitor technology software. MCI Guy: It's because it's outside and it has it's memory. Vance: Gigaboobs of memory. Megamammaries. It must have Megamammaries in it's external capacitance. -- At this point, everybody is cracking up, I can't believe Vance kept a straight face. MCI Guy: Yeah. < Looking confused. > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- After this, I was really laughing and wasn't sure of exactly what was said. But in just a few minutes, the MCI guy left to get some more beer. He didn't come back to our table, he went to another one. We ignored him for awhile. But as he was sitting there, a woman sat down next to him. She was undoubtedly a prostitute, and there were many cracks about her gigaboobs and megamammaries. She must have spotted the fact that he was wasted and was trying to make some easy cash. After a while, the MCI guy didn't bite, and her pimp came along and picked her up. (There is no other logical explanation that I can think of.) After a few minutes, we went back to the table for the final round, but Vance had left, so I conducted the search for knowledge. It starts as I was approaching the table and trying to get him to talk to me. GD: When you were talking Rebel Lion's modem, I wasn't quite sure of what you said, could you explain it to me? < I get out my pencil and paper, like I'm taking notes on his every word. (Actually I was) > MCI Guy: < He is giving me a look of utter contempt, like I'm just a stupid kid who is not worthy to partake in his knowledge > Well you see it's external. GD: What do you mean? It's obviously external, but what does that mean? < Gives me another look > --- Maverick accidentally spills some of Mr. MCI's beer. MCI Guy: What was that? What are you doing?!? Maverick: I didn't do anything, you spilled it! MCI Guy: < Just forgets about it in his drunken stupor > It has it's own memory, it doesn't have to take up the core like an internal. GD: Core? MCI Guy: Or something like that, you know. It's outside the main frame. GD: Right, so it saves memory. MCI Guy: Hmmph, I work with so much memory. I throw out tapes. GD: Tapes? You mean tape backups. MCI Guy: Yeah. GD: Why? Don't you want the memory? MCI Guy: I have too much memory. GD: Yeah, I guess you're right, if you have too much memory, it is hard to get rid of. MCI Guy: I even use records. GD: You mean like the spinning kind of records? On a turntable? MCI Guy: Yeah, they hold a lot of memory. GD: Why don't you use CD's? They hold a lot more you know. MCI Guy: No they don't, you don't even know. GD: So you are saying that records hold more than CD's? MCI Guy: Yeah, and I can save space on records, I use "shrinker". It shrinks the space on a record. GD: You mean shrink the space on one of those spinning records? < I was trying too hard to keep from laughing to speak articulately > MCI Guy: It saves space by shrinking everything, and I can fit more on it. GD: Yeah, I guess that is a good idea. MCI Guy: < Incredulous at my stupidity > Do you even know about comp? GD: Comp? Sorry, I've never heard of "comp". What is it? MCI Guy: It's bits and bytes. GD: Keep on going, I want to learn about this. < And boy did I > MCI Guy: 4 bytes make a bit, 2 bytes make a double word, 2 words make a double word. GD: 2 words make a double word? Isn't that obvious since 2 means double? MCI Guy: < Ignoring me > It's called 32 bits. Above that you have to deal with 36 bits. GD: Ok, I get it. That's pretty cool. MCI Guy: That's called the IBM logo. GD: The IBM logo? It's made up of bits and bytes and comp? MCI Guy: Yeah, if you go above or below the line. --- Ok, at this point I was reeling from the bit-byte-word conversions and I didn't even want to try pursuing the "line" question since I had to leave. I really wish I could have stayed, but I also don't know how long he would have been benign; this guy was drunk and still had 2 large beers in front of him. All through this time, people were cracking up and laughing in his face. It wasn't that hard for the guy currently talking to him to not laugh, but when you thought for a second about this guy's slurred speech and his look of superiority, it was damn hard not to laugh. And how sad is this guys life? He comes to a mall to get drunk! It must cost him $15 for those beers. Oh well, maybe we will spring for some grain alcohol next time so we can get him to say even more. Last thing, if you are talking to a guy like this. Don't do what I did, don't confront him. You won't get as much out of him. Do what Vance did; agree with everything he says. This will get him more comfortable and he will talk more. Then give a summary of everything he said, while inserting things like "megamammaries" and "gigaboobs". -- Disclaimer: I tried to be as accurate as possible but there were some small changes made because I couldn't remember the exact wording. But overall this is fairly true to life. [I've noticed that everyone I've ever met involved with LE or security at corporations drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks. And drinks. What's with that? Jesus...no wonder they are so slow to react. They are fucking hammered all the time. They need to invest in some stimulants. Swap that Gin & Tonic for a handful of Ephedrine or something. (Notice I said Ephedrine...gotta stay legal, eh?) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Phrack, I am Knightkrawler. About a month ago Mephisto, a fellow hacker friend of mine, discovered a dialup for a Taco Bell computer while scanning some numbers. Just for the hell of it, I called up the Taco Bell manager and posed as the Sys Admin. THE PHUCKER FELL FOR IT!!!!!! Conversation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ me: Hi, I'm the SYS Admin for The Taco Bell Login. My staff and I will be running some routine diagnostics for the next week. I'll need a passwd and login name to enter the system. Corey (the manager): Sure! My passwd is 1A2B3C, and my login name is Corey. me: Thank you. If you need anything, you know where to reach me. END ^^^ WHAT A DUMBASS!!! I was able to log on and Change fuckin' payrolls!!!! First thing I did was to change the price of tacos to 5 cents a piece! What I want to know is, have any of you out there had any similar experiences with bastards like these? Are all restaurant managers so lame? L8R, -=KnIgHtKrAwLeR=- [The Taco Bell SCO's have been a source of amusement for some time. It would appear that all restaurants in the PepsiCo chain have SCO's in-house. Something to keep in mind. And, uh, I've never seen anything that you could do like "change prices" without special terminal emulation. So, uh, don't bullshit a bullshitter. But, hey, it's a funny hack, and there are several in every city to play with, if you are so inclined.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello there, I was wondering if you could help me (wait, wait, hear me out!). I am looking for some up-to-date info on COSMOS. I've read all of the Phrack articles, yours in ish 31 was particularly good, and I was wondering if there have been any developments lately that I should be aware of? Basically, I am looking for a manual that will show me how to use COSMOS. Kind of like a DOS reference guide or something similar. Your article was dated 1990, almost 4 years ago, and I'm sure there have been some new things introduced since then. I was thinking that if you had the raw info, you could pass it along to me and I could whip up a readable format for the next issue of Phrack. Believe me, I've got far too much time on my hands. I love Phrack and would do anything to help out! Anyway, I'll cut this off here before I waste too much of your time. Mr. Wizard [COSMOS is being phased out. I would suggest you look for info on SWITCH. There have been some articles on it in 2600, so you may want to check some back issues. Otherwise, I'll see if I can't get some more detailed articles on its use for future Phrack issues. But as far as COSMOS goes, I think my article from a few years back ended up as the most complete ever done, so I doubt there are any others that covered things I didn't.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIRTUAL REALITY NOW AVAILABLE TO GENERAL PUBLIC AT CYBERMIND What is Virtual Reality? Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer generated, interactive 3D environment in which the computer serves as a window to an alternate reality. Once immersed in this environment, the players interact with each other as well as the computer. Each VR system includes a head mounted display which provides a 3D graphical image along with full stereo sound. By placing the display over your eyes, you are "virtually" transported to a computer-generated world that you control. Wherever you move, the computer tracks the movement of your body and displays the appropriate image to your eyes. (If you looked up you would see the sky. If you looked down you would see your "feet.") The unlimited choices you can make in these virtual worlds make the experience one-of-a-kind. Development of Virtual Reality: Past and Future Early VR was confined to multi-million dollar systems in research labs and military simulations. However, the decreasing cost of computing power and display technology, VR now has more widespread applications: entertainment, education, worker training, telerobotics, medicine, teledildonics (virtual sex) and communication, among others. In the future, VR technology will allow you to travel, shake hands with people in other countries, walk on the moon or go shopping -- all without actually leaving the home or office. What is CyberMind? CyberMind is San Francisco's first location-based virtual reality entertainment center. CyberMind center features eight interactive virtual reality machines that allow the general public to experience and learn about 3D virtual reality technology by playing imaginative, roleplaying games such as Dactyl Nightmare, Legend Quest, Flying Aces and ExoRex II. CyberMind Virtual Reality Center WHAT: Out of this world entertainment for families, couples, singles and groups. WHERE: One Embarcadero, Lobby Level (second floor). At the top of the escalators. WHEN: Normal Center Hours are 10:00 am to Midnight, seven days a week. HOW MUCH: Normal Pricing is $5.00 per play per person for a six minute experience. 20% discount for groups over 12 persons. CYBERMIND CENTER RENTALS: For catered parties and receptions, contact Chris Figge at 415.693.0861 WHY: It will blow your mind CyberMind Corp: Telephone 415.693.0861. FAX: 415.693.0171. 737 Pine Street, Suite 65, San Francisco, CA 94108 [Uh, yeah. And Stand in line with Beavis & Butthead. Huh Huh, Cyber Stuff is cool. Heh heh. Cool. Yeah, I'm a Cyberpunk with $5 dollars. Let's set it on fire and throw it in the street. No, Ass Munch, you can get stuff with money. Oh yeah, heh heh heh.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phrack: Sorry to inconvenience you and PGP this message, but I fail to trust the people in charge of the server in which this message is being sent from. Approximately six months ago I was playing around with the idea for a crypto-chat program. In short: You and the other people in the chat area, (IRC for example), would pick the same password or random seed number. This would tell the chat program what algorithms to use, etc. Hence forth whatever you type is encrypted and whatever is displayed remotely is automatically decrypted. My only problem is that I do not know enough regarding cryptology to write a very secure encryption routine. I have tried a few times to contact Cypherpunks, but to no avail, I have not received any letters back from them even regarding my request to be put on their mailing list. I write to you, Phrack, in hopes that you can set me in the correct direction for making my crypto-chat program a reality. I feel it would be an asset to the hack/phreak community and its struggle for more privacy. Thanx. -----------------------------------------guerilla AnArchy--------------------- [Actually, it wouldn't be that hard to do, but you'd probably want to do it as a DCC chat type thing, rather than going through a server at all. I may be wrong, but I think someone may have worked on such a beast. You may want to try again to contact the cypherpunks list (cypherpunks@toad.com) (or to get added, cypherpunks-request@toad.com) and ask around. Otherwise, use the existing DCC Chat source, but just change it to incorporate a public key exchange, and use those exchanged keys to encrypt messages. It would be harder for more than one to one chat, but hell...no pain, no gain. Notice, I didn't volunteer to do it. Much too much work for me.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Phrack, Just finished reading Issue #42 (so I'm a little behind). Must say, it was very kewl. I have a little addition to the "Car Light Hack" in the Loopback section. When coming up to an intersection with the pressure sensitive panels in the tar, pump the brakes hard so the car rocks back and forth. This will fool the panel into thinking there's more weight (more cars) sitting on it and it will change the light faster. This also works great with intersections where there are two panels--one at the light, and one six or seven car lengths back. Either way, the light is guaranteed to change green quickly! [Yes. Pressure pads are quiet common. Probably much more so than the light sensors. Whatever works.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi there ! Last week I got in contact with your magazine (#44) and a soft called Bluebeep, because I wanted to call BBSs all over the world. Reading Phrack, I got more interested is hacking stuff, which I do since I first touched a computer when I was 9 (now I'm 20). So, since you offered in the magazine :), I'd like to get some info about the subject, specially about free callings. Here is the story. Here in Brazil most of the computers have been IBM mainframes for a long time, only now changing to UNIX & LANs. Phone lines were a shit too, I could say that batter than most since my father works for the Brazilian phone co. (Embratel) And that's my point. Brazilian phone co. is (still) owned by the federal government. NEC and AT&T are trying to end the monopoly. But I think it's much easier to hack it since there aren't many hackers here and they don't do a big mess. What should I do and have to try this. See, I'm very rookie, so would like some guidelines... People here is very afraid to talk about. BTW, could a AT&T guy bust me (here, in Rio de Janeiro) for using Bluebeep in the 000-8010 ?!? Are there other means of doing free calls ? Embratel has it's own Calling Card... Wish I can have your help... I'm a RPG-fanatic and would like to connect to Illuminati BBS and others, so I could get more info. Thanx, []s CAD [I wouldn't worry as much about the AT&T guy busting you, as I would the Brazilian Secret Police shooting you for boxing. I mean, if the government still owns the phone company, they are the ones to watch out for. To contact Steve Jackson Games and the Illuminati BBS, you should think about signing on to io.com. That is their Internet site. It's very cool, and has a huge MUD, (if you are into those sort of things.) Good luck in Brazil, and please consider doing a file for our International Scene section on your Country!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Translation by MIND-NRG (Rome, Italy) [All words between [] are additional comments made by the translator] Speciale Cyber September, 1993 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Sergio Stingo (King) [ A good italian magazine ] (P. 131) CyberPunk: everbody is talking about it, but only few people really know what it really is. Electronic Books ? A disturbing view of the next future ? Electronical conferences ? A new sort of fashion-wears ? The biggest democratic revolution of our age ? A silent and creeping revolution ? Our Stingo [perhaps a male journalist ?], always curious about everything that is <<new>>, is travelling around Italy to investigate about this phenomenon. It was like taking the lid off a brewing pot. The more He met <<cyber>> the more He understood that there was much more to be discovered; from the supporter of the <<brain machine>>, who is testing the mysterious machine into discos and universities, to the first art gallery where hackers' work of art are exhibited; from the cyber magazines, as <<Decoder>>, to the bands that are discovering a new style of music. Not mentioning sex, that, thanks to technology, is trying to increase the range of possible sensations. So, the trip beyond the borders of the universe was so rich and adventurous, that We have had to divide this articles into two issues. In this issue We introduce you to the first one. And, as cybernauts are used to say, have a good navigation. [ This is the translation for you boys interested into this article. Have a good time with it <g>.CyberPunks are unknown in Italy. It's possible to find poor articles on them, but no serious issues.] - MIND-NRG - [Hey Man! Thanks for the translation! I was wondering what that King Magazine article was saying. Hehe, I ought to get you to translate the whole article! Haha...Spanish I could do myself, but Italian is a little too different. BTW: We don't have an article on the Italian Hacking scene either. Obviously you guys have developed quite a subculture. We'd really like to hear more!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This message is in regard to the following article in Phrack #42. I was just wondering if there was a way to convert the newer sportsters. My modem does have 4.1 roms, at least that is what ati6 displays. however my modem has problems with the second line of command: "Turning your USR Sportster w/ 4.1 roms into a 16.8K HST Dual Standard" by The Sausage with The Mallet If you have a USRobotics Sportster FAX modem, Ver 4.1, you can issue the following commands to it to turn it into an HST 16.8K dual standard. In effect, you add HST 16.8K to its V32.bis 14.4k capability. ats11=40v1L3x4&h1&r2&b1e1b1&m4&a3&k3 atgw03c6,22gw05cd,2f ats14=1s24=150s26=1s32=8s34=0x7&w I would appreciate it if you could somehow forward the message to either the authors. I realize that this is an old article, but I would really appreciate any reply to this question. Sincerely, Sam F. [Wow. I have no idea. I do know that later versions of the modem took out that, uh, "Feature." But keep in mind, as modems progress they big feature that everyone wants is flash eprom for the software, so that you can upgrade the modem through software. The future holds a lot of fun for the person who gets his or her hands upon the reprogramming tool and rom images of upgrades for faster modems.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phrack: I would like first to express all my gratitude to you, the Phrack editor, and to all of its contributors. You are doing a great job and should get credit for it. What really kills me are those wanna-be hackers writing you in an often offensive manner, requesting for information that no real hacker would expect to see in Phrack. Or those sending the /etc/passwd file of their local University and thinking they've achieved the hack of the century. I've been reading Phrack for quite long time now and was wondering how to contribute to it, considering that almost every hackable subject has been covered in one of the 44 Phrack issues. I saw in issue 42 that you were sort of interested to collect H/P field information from countries other than United States. And I thought it might be an opportunity for me to send you something that was uncovered before. I'm quite sure that you can easily find foreign contributors for European countries so I will probably not bother you with H/P-related data in France and Sweden (where I used to live). Few months ago, I settled in the Asian country you'll identify from my e-mail address and have started investigating, in a relaxed mode, hacking and phreaking areas. This country is a virgin territory and maybe my researches and experiments would provide guidelines for H/P-ers in the same lonely situation. I was wondering though if you had any kind of recommendations for such reports (style, length, depth of details to be given, etc...) If anybody in the Far-East area is interested to participate in the writing of the report, or just willing to share knowledge with me, please feel free to forward my e-mail address to such people. Disclaimer: Even if I really have the intention to write such a report, no warranty should be made upon the delivery time of it. My job is time-consuming and leave me very few time for investigations. Apart from that, life in this country is also highly entertaining and week-ends are mostly spent on parties with nice, nice people. ~~ Long live Phrack and its famous skilled contributors. ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Otto Sync -- [Thanks for the letter of appreciation! As far as contributions go, we are interested in anything and everything. For your scene file, just use some of the files on other countries as examples, and I'm sure yours will be fine. Don't worry about getting it to me in any hurry. Phrack 46 is 3 months away. :) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey, guyz! What happened to the magazine, I haven't seen any number after 43... In any case, send the stuff to me, as soon as possible. Preferably in some kind of compressed format. I have got here a small question. Firstly, I noticed that a number of hackers have E-Mail addresses such as *@phantom.com. Is it possible to get one just like this, or you've gotta be some kind of a masquotte? I myself am a god-fearing character, not hacking outside my own domain. I prefer to produce than to steal. However, I lack chatting and I lack money, but I wouldn't steal it. Just to get a different view - for you. Not every curious person has to be a criminal. Greetings, Verdura (aka Vegetable) [Phantom Access is a public access unix that you can get access to just by telnetting to phantom.com and applying as a new user. Yes, indeed, there are a lot of hackers on phantom.com. In fact, a large number of us ancient LOD types are on there. More than you would imagine, really. But it is open to the public, and anyone who cares to pay the usage fees can hang out. As far as back issues, I don't send them out to anyone. They are available for ftp from ftp.netsys.com in /pub/phrack as .zip files. I do make exceptions for people without ftp access, and will mail (US Mail) disks to whoever sends me postage to: Phrack Magazine 603 W. 13th #1A-278 Austin, TX 78701 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear phrack type person: I am working on a carding scheme involving stripe-writers. I have looked into getting one but it seems impossible to find someone to sell me one! I know publishing information like that is VERY stupid seeing as many government officials read phrack without paying for it. And many lamer asswipes read it to. That company would stop selling faster than a lamer on IRC gets kicked! I need any information on acquiring such a PERFECTLY LEGAL device because of the places I tried I could not find one that would sell me one! I also need any tips on magstipe encoding and atm machines available. I am adept in the circles of phreekdom and can call Boards if need be. And by the way this board I am mailing from has a dickhead for a sysop. I would mail from the public access internet site here, but They found my uid shells and kicked me off. They called the cops but being the most advanced police force in the nation they haven't a clue how to contact me. (the system only asks for you name to get an account) But now they require picture ID to get an account. It's a bitch but I have to get a fake ID and a fake parent. I was also attempting to DL cracker jack when They kicked me off and I would like to know were I could gopher for it or ftp if need be. I lost most internet access except gopher and mail from this crap board. ENCRYPT EVERYTHING cause the sysop sux. I would like to subscribe to phrack but this bastard would delete 1 meg of mail quite quickly unless it is small, zipped and uuencoded I guess. Well anyway I hope to hear from you. The government can have my encryption keys when they pry them from my cold dead hands. -Phiber Phreak [It's pretty hard to get such a magstripe writer, but the keyword here is MONEY. If you have money, they will sell you damn near anything. You may want to check Bank Technology News (800-835-8403 for subscription) as they have periodic vendor lists. Additionally you can ask them for a copy of their Card Industry Directory which will have all the info on suppliers that you could ever dream of. It has a 15 day trial period too, so read it, get what you need and return it (for a full refund). As far as Cracker Jack goes, get on #hack sometime and ask. I don't have a copy, but i imagine someone online will be able to DCC it to you.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Phrack Magazine== Volume Five, Issue Forty-Five, File 3a of 28 **************************************************************************** I try my best to keep Phrack unbiased. For those of you who know me, you know that I am not the most soft-spoken individual in the world, and not being able to totally flame everyone and everything puts a great deal of stress on me. This editorial space is my one saving grace. In this I can spew out incredible amounts of crap and everyone should know that it is MY OPINION only. If anyone else wants to write a "guest" editorial, feel free to email it to phrack@well.com. --------------------- This issue I'm going to rant and rave about assholes on the net. You know who you are. You break into sites without any purpose, you delete files, you harass and annoy, you attempt blackmail, you fake mail, you fake news, you sling racial insults and you generally have nothing to offer the world. You are a disgrace to the hacker community. -------------------- There have always been confrontations online. It's unavoidable on the net, as it is in life, to avoid unpleasantness. However, on the net the behavior is far more pronounced since it effects a much greater response from the limited online environments than it would in the real world. People behind such behavior in the real world can be dealt with or avoided, but online they cannot. In the real world, annoying people don't impersonate you in national forums. In the real world, annoying people don't walk into your room and go through your desk and run through the town showing everyone your private papers or possessions. In the real world, people can't readily imitate your handwriting or voice and insult your friends and family by letter or telephone. In the real world people don't rob or vandalize and leave your fingerprints behind. The Internet is not the real world. All of the above continually happens on the Internet, and there is little anyone can do to stop it. The perpetrators know full well how impervious they are to retribution, since the only people who can put their activities to a complete halt are reluctant to open cases against computer criminals due to the complex nature of the crimes. The Internet still clings to the anarchy of the Arpanet that spawned it, and many people would love for the status quo to remain. However, the actions of a few miscreants will force lasting changes on the net as a whole. The wanton destruction of sites, the petty forgeries, the needless breakins and the poor blackmail attempts do not go unnoticed by the authorities. I personally could care less what people do on the net. I know it is fantasyland. I know it exists only in our minds, and should not have any long lasting effect in the real world. Unfortunately, as the net's presence grows larger and larger, and the world begins to accept it as an entity in and of itself, it will be harder to convince those inexperienced users that the net is not real. I have always played by certain rules and they have worked well for me in the nearly 15 years I've been online. These rules can best be summed up by the following quote, "We are taught to love all our neighbors. Be courteous. Be peaceful. But if someone lays his hands on you, send them to the cemetery." The moment someone crosses the line, and interferes with my well-being in any setting (even one that is arguably unreal such as the Internet) I will do whatever necessary to ensure that I can once again go about minding my own business unmolested. I am not alone in this feeling. There are hundreds of net-loving anarchists who don't want the extra attention and bad press brought to our little fantasyland by people who never learned how to play well as children. Even these diehard anti-authoritatians are finding themselves caught in a serious quandary: do they do nothing and suffer attacks, or do they make the phone call to Washington and try to get the situation resolved? Many people cannot afford the risk of striking back electronically, as some people may suggest. Other people do not have the skill set needed to orchestrate an all out electronic assault against an unknown, even if they pay no heed to the legal risk. Even so, should anyone attempt such retribution electronically, the assailant will merely move to a new site and begin anew. People do not like to deal with police. No one LOVES to call up their local law enforcement office and have a nice chat. Almost everyone feels somewhat nervous dealing with these figures knowing that they may just as well decide to turn their focus on you rather than the people causing problems. Even if you live your life crime-free, there is always that underlying nervousness; even in the real world. However, begin an assault directed against any individual, and I guarantee he or she will overcome such feelings and make the needed phone call. It isn't the "hacking" per se that will cause anyone's downfall nor bring about governmental regulation of the net, but the unchecked attitudes and gross disregard for human dignity that runs rampant online. What good can come from any of this? Surely people will regain the freedom to go about their business, but what of the added governmental attentions? Electronic Anti-Stalking Laws? Electronic Trespass? Electronic Forgery? False Electronic Indentification? Electronic Shoplifting? Electronic Burglary? Electronic Assault? Electronic Loitering? Illegal Packet Sniffing equated as Illegal Wiretaps? The potential for new legislation is immense. As the networks further permeate our real lives, the continual unacceptable behavior and following public outcry in that setting will force the ruling bodies to draft such laws. And who will enforce these laws? And who will watch the watchmen? Oftimes these issues are left to resolve themselves after the laws have passed. Is this the future we want? One of increased legislation and governmental regulation? With the development of the supposed National Information Super-Highway, the tools will be in place for a new body to continually monitor traffic for suspect activity and uphold any newly passed legislation. Do not think that the ruling forces have not considered that potential. We are all in a serious Catch-22, brought about by a handful of sociopaths. When an unwanted future arises as a direct, or indirect, result of their actions, REMEMBER.