Recent Happenings


So as of recently some things in my life has started changing. As of the 31st of January the General Manager of the fast food restaurant I work at literally walked out several days after she gave a two week's notice, which meant that suddenly we had a few people in training to get the position. One of the people that seems to be likely to get it has a massive bone to pick with two (now former?) co-workers of mine, as she doesn't like the family they're from. This means the we've been even more short staffed than usual, and has lead to me being forced to work more hours. Normally I wouldn't mind, but at this point I hardly have time to study for exams.

On a more positive note as of yesterday I've now gained my first IT certification, which is just the A+ cert. Hopefully by May or June I can put a two week notice at the restaurant and find a part time IT job, even if it's just at a phone store.